Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction   (ACSA)

Faculty of Health Sciences

Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction 5000

Addiction and Addictive Disorders

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course will evaluate contemporary theories of addiction and describe a range of addictive disorders. Etiology, development, and risk factors associated with addiction and addictive disorders will be discussed.

Prerequisite(s):Completion of a baccalaureate degree

Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction 5004

Social Ecology of Addiction

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

An in-depth exploration of the varying influences that lead to the development of addictions and addictive disorders. Influences to be explored are those at the individual level (including variables such as gender, age, sexual orientation and ability); the micro-systemic level (including structures that impact most directly on the individual such as family, schooling, peers and health services); the macro-systemic level (including the impact of cultural factors such as socio-economic status, poverty, ethnicity and oppression); and the chrono-system, which includes significant transitions and life events (such as marriage, divorce, and exposure to traumatic events). Students will consider the interaction of each of these systems on a person and think critically about how addiction develops within these interactions and how to approach prevention of addiction.

Prerequisite(s):Completion of a baccalaureate degree

Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction 5006

Biological Bases of Addiction

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This advanced course on the biological bases of addiction examines how the brain and the body respond to and are affected by the consumption of addictive substances. This course covers recent behavioural, molecular, genetic, pharmacological, and neuro-imaging addiction research across the lifespan.

Prerequisite(s):Completion of a baccalaureate degree

Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction 5008

Cognitive Processes of Addiction

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This advanced survey course examines how various aspects of cognitive science (i.e., the scientific investigations of sensation, perception, attention, and memory), implicit and explicit motivations, and principles of learning interact as they relate to addiction. Sociocultural factors associated with cognition, emotional expression, and learning will also be investigated.

Prerequisite(s):Completion of a baccalaureate degree