Admission Routes and Academic Qualifications

Applicants are considered for admission under the admission route most appropriate to their academic qualifications. The academic and language standards outlined below are the minimum requirements for graduate program admission at the University of Lethbridge. Admission is subject to satisfying academic qualifications for admission. The highest level of education will be the first consideration for admission. Individual programs may require additional qualifications for admission.

Student Enrolment and Registrar Services will convert grades to the University of Lethbridge 4.00 GPA scale if necessary for calculating the admission GPA and granting transfer credit.

a.Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma

Applicants will meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for admission:

1.A baccalaureate degree from a recognized degree-granting institution.

2.Admission requirements are outlined below:

Table 7: Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma Degree Qualifications by Program



Admission Requirements



Minimum Admission GPA*

Additional Requirements

Graduate Certificate

Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction (G.C.A.C.S.A.)



Bioinformatics (G.C.B.)


A baccalaureate degree from a recognized degree granting institution with a major in the field of Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Genetics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Mathematics, or Computer Science, or related fields.

Couple and Family Counselling Studies (G.C.C.F.C.S.)


A baccalaureate degree from a recognized degree-granting institution with a major in a health-, counselling-, or social services-related field.

Recommended background is a 3.0 credit hour undergraduate course in counselling/communication skills.

Foundations of Data Science (G.C.F.D.S.)



Health Services Management (G.C.H.S.M.)


1.University of Lethbridge Baccalaureate Degree Admission Route:

a.A University of Lethbridge baccalaureate degree in Management, Health Sciences, Nursing, or Therapeutic Recreation.

b.University of Lethbridge’s Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Health Sciences Combined Degree.

2.Baccalaureate Degree Admission Route:

a.A baccalaureate degree in management or health from a recognized degree-granting institution in the discipline of interest or in a closely related discipline. A baccalaureate degree, or its academic equivalent, in other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

b.Approximately two years of work experience in the health sector is normally required for the Baccalaureate Degree Admission Route.

Epidemiology and Biostatistics (G.C.E.B.)


Completion of a 3.0 credit hour university-level statistics course. Recommended background is a 3.0 credit hour epidemiology course.

Public Health Program and Policy Planning and Evaluation (G.C.P.H.P.E.)


Completion of a 3.0 credit hour university-level statistics course.

Graduate Diploma

Addiction and Mental Health Psychotherapy (G.D.A.M.H.P.)



*Calculated on the terms containing the last 20 graded university courses (60.0 credit hours).

b.Master's Degree

Applicants will meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for admission:

1.A baccalaureate degree from a recognized degree-granting institution in the discipline of interest or in a closely related discipline.

2.Admission requirements by program are outlined below:

Table 8: Master’s Degree Qualifications by Program



Admission Requirements



Minimum Admission GPA*

Additional Requirements

Master of Arts (M.A)

All majors



Master of Counselling (M.C.)

All majors


Approximately two years of successful teaching and/or counselling experience. Volunteer experience in counselling settings is also desirable.

A breadth of undergraduate courses in counselling, educational psychology, or psychology. Particular emphasis is paid to courses in human development, learning, personality, psychological disorders, and counselling skills.

Applicants may be interviewed by the Selection Committee.

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Counselling Psychology

Master of Education (M.Ed.)



Approximately two years of successful teaching or other relevant educational experience.

Candidates preparing themselves for a career which involves teacher certification must hold Teacher Certification at the time of admission.

Applicants may be interviewed by the Selection Committee.

Educational Leadership


Approximately two years of successful teaching or other relevant educational experience. Preference is given to applicants who have leadership experience and/or demonstrated leadership potential.

Candidates preparing themselves for a career which involves teacher certification must hold Teacher Certification at the time of admission.

Applicants may be interviewed by the Selection Committee.

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Master of Music (M.Mus.)

All majors


Portfolio and/or audition/interview (see Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) Programs and Master of Music (M.Mus.) Programs).

Master of Health Services Management (M.H.S.M.)

Not applicable


Baccalaureate Degree Admission Route

A baccalaureate degree in management or health from a recognized degree-granting institution in the discipline of interest or in a closely related discipline. A baccalaureate degree, or its academic equivalent, in other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Evidence of successful experience in the health sector is normally required. Preference will be given to those applicants who have two or more years of work experience.

University of Lethbridge Baccalaureate Degree Admission Route

A University of Lethbridge baccalaureate degree in Management, Health Sciences, Nursing, or Therapeutic Recreation.

A University of Lethbridge Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Health Sciences Combined Degree.

Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management Admission Route

A minimum GPA of 3.00 (based on the University of Lethbridge 4.00 scale) in the Graduate Certificate of Health Services Management.

Master of Nursing (M.N.)



Applicant must be a regulated member in good standing in a Canadian Jurisdiction on the Registered Nurse, Psychiatric Nurse, Graduate Nurse Practitioner, or Nurse Practitioner Register.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

All delivered by the Faculty of Arts and Science



All delivered by the Faculty of Health Sciences



Master of Science (Management) (M.Sc. (Mgt.))

All majors


Applicants may be interviewed by the Selection Committee.

Standardized Graduate Achievement Test

A minimum total score of 565 on the GMAT Focus Edition. All bands must be in the 50th percentile or higher. Scores under the 50th percentile will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide GMAT results upon application.

Although the GMAT Focus Edition is preferred, previous GMAT results that are still valid within their five-year window will be accepted at a minimum score of 600 with 4.0 in the Analytical Writing section and all bands in the 50th percentile. The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or alternative graduate entrance exam will be considered on a case-by-case basis where circumstances merit the substitution.

Students with an excellent academic record may qualify for a Special Case GMAT Waiver. Students qualifying for a Special Case GMAT Waiver must:

a.Have a University of Lethbridge Bachelor of Management (all majors), Bachelor of Arts (Economics major only), any combined degree with Bachelor of Management (all majors), AND

b.Have a minimum GPA of 3.70 or equivalent on the last 10 graded university-level term courses.

Securing a GMAT Waiver does not guarantee admission to the M.Sc.(Mgt.) program.

*GPA of applicants to the M.C. or M.Ed. is calculated on the terms containing the last 20 graded university courses (60.0 credit hours). GPA of applicants to all other programs is calculated on the terms containing the last 20 graded university courses (60.0 credit hours) OR calculated on the most recently completed master’s degree if applicant is applying for another master’s degree.

c.Doctor of Philosophy

Applicants will meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for admission:

1.A master's degree from a recognized institution in the discipline of interest or in a closely related discipline with clear evidence of research ability or potential.

2.Admission requirements by program are outlined in the table below.

Applicants to the Ph.D. program may be invited to attend an interview with the relevant Ph.D. Program Committee.

Table 9: Doctor of Philosophy Qualifications by Program



Admission Requirements



Minimum Admission GPA*

(Cumulative on all graded master’s- level courses)

Additional Requirements

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Cultural, Social, and Political Thought


Letter of Intent - maximum three pages in length.

Evidence of scholarly competence.



Applicants typically must hold a Master of Education or Master of Arts in Education.

Evidence of success as professional educators or counsellors with at least two years of experience (applicants from other education-related contexts may be considered).

Evidence to demonstrate research skills, in the form of a Master's Thesis, an outstanding Research Project, or peer-reviewed journal publications.

All other majors


Letter of Intent - maximum one page in length.

Evidence of scholarly competence.

*Calculated on the most recently completed Ph.D. degree if applicant is applying for another Ph.D. degree in a closely related discipline.

d.Doctor of Philosophy Transfer from a University of Lethbridge Master's Program

Applicants who intend to transfer from a University of Lethbridge master's degree program (excluding M.Ed. and M.A. (Education) programs) to an approved Ph.D. program must satisfy four criteria before the University will consider approving the transfer. The applicant must:

1.Be currently enrolled in a master's program at the University of Lethbridge, have completed a minimum of 12 months* up to a maximum of 24 months of the master's program, and have completed the program's required coursework.

2.Be in good standing in the master's program. See Academic Regulations, Academic Standings.

3.Have demonstrated academic and research excellence.

4.Agree to work with the same supervisor(s).

*A student in a master’s program can apply for a transfer and complete the transfer examination before the 12-month minimum, but 12 months of the program and the transfer examination must be successfully completed prior to the transfer to the Ph.D. program.

Note: When Ph.D. program applicants are admitted by transfer from the master's program, all Ph.D. degree requirements apply.

Any student going through this transfer process must also apply for admission to the Ph.D. program by the relevant application deadline. See Application and Admission Procedures.

Students pursuing M.Ed. or M.A. (Education) degrees are not normally permitted to transfer into the Ph.D. in Education program. For further information, contact the Graduate Studies and Research Office in the Faculty of Education.

The process to approve an applicant's transfer is as follows:

1.Assign Transfer Committee

The relevant Department Graduate Education Committee, or the Academic Unit in the absence of a Department Graduate Education Committee, assigns a Transfer Committee to oversee the transfer evaluation and approval and submits these details to the relevant graduate program office. The relevant doctoral program committee must approve the assigned Transfer Committee. The Transfer Committee consists of a non-voting chair and three members. One member should be from outside the applicant's discipline. The supervisor/co-supervisors is not part of the Transfer Committee.

2.Certify that the applicant is eligible to transfer

The applicant's supervisor/co-supervisors prepare(s) a letter indicating support for the applicant’s transfer to the Ph.D. program without completing a master's degree. The supervisor/co-supervisors forward(s) this letter to the approved Transfer Committee.

3.Provide evidence of research and academic excellence

The applicant and their supervisor/co-supervisors provide evidence of academic and research excellence to the Transfer Committee Chair. Acceptable evidence of academic excellence may include completion of required coursework, GPA, and letters of reference. Acceptable evidence of research excellence includes: publications, posters, and presentations. In the event the committee deems the applicant is not eligible to transfer, the Transfer Committee Chair must notify the relevant graduate program office.

4.Schedule and approve the transfer examination

The Transfer Examination Committee Chair submits the request to schedule the transfer examination. The schedule must be approved by the relevant doctoral program committee.

5.Complete transfer examination

The applicant completes a transfer examination that demonstrates the ability to develop, write, and defend their research ideas. The transfer examination is managed by the Transfer Committee. The transfer examination has a written and oral component. The written requires the applicant to develop a detailed research proposal based upon their research program and interests. The oral component consists of a defence of the proposal. The Transfer Committee’s assessment of the transfer examination, including the committee’s recommendation of transfer, must be submitted to the relevant program office no later than five working days prior to the beginning of the term for which the proposed transfer to the Ph.D. program will begin.

e.Admission to a Second Master's Degree or Second Doctoral Degree

Applicants are not normally eligible to pursue a second master's or doctoral degree with a major that is identical or closely related to one already completed at a recognized institution.

An applicant holding a recognized master's or doctoral degree who wishes to pursue a different field of study, or international students holding a master's or doctoral degree in a related field that is not recognized by the University of Lethbridge, may be considered for admission to a University of Lethbridge program provided all admission requirements are met.

f.Dual Admission

The University of Lethbridge has a Dual Admission agreement with a partner institution for the M.Sc. (Mgt.) program. Applicants seeking Dual Admission are admitted to a program at the partner institution and to an eligible degree program at the University of Lethbridge. Dual Admission applicants must meet all program-specific admission requirements in effect at the time of application. For details contact the Dhillon School of Business Graduate Program at

g.Exchange Student Admission Route

Students registered in a graduate program at another educational institution may be considered to enroll in courses at the University of Lethbridge under approved exchange agreements. The University of Lethbridge is a signatory of the Western Deans' Agreement (see Registration, Western Deans’ Agreement). Contact the School of Graduate Studies for application and registration information.

Admission is based on satisfying academic qualifications for admission (see Admission Routes and Academic Qualifications).

h.Visiting Student Admission Route

A student is considered a Visiting Student when a formal exchange arrangement is not in place and permission is granted by both the sending and receiving institutions. Contact the School of Graduate Studies for application and registration information. Admission is based on satisfying academic qualifications for admission (see Admission Routes and Academic Qualifications).

In the M.Ed. programs, Visiting Students may register in up to two University of Lethbridge graduate-level Education courses.

i.Deferral of Admission

A request to defer an Offer of Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge is only accepted from international applicants who have not secured a study permit to attend the term to which they applied. The deferral is for the next available term to the applicant's program, provided that term falls within one Academic Calendar year (i.e. May 1st to April 31st) of the initial term applied for (i.e. an applicant may defer from fall to winter, but not from fall to fall of the following year).

An applicant may only request one deferral per application. Individuals applying to programs that offer admission once per calendar year, or those who would prefer an admission date later than the next available term, must re-apply to their desired program.

Proof of admission requirement completion must be received, and the supervisor must confirm availability and funding for the later term to successfully defer admission. An unconditional Letter of Acceptance will only be provided upon receipt of all final official documents.

The non-refundable tuition deposit (see Fees, Non-refundable Deposits) is applied to the deferred admission term only, but not to any future terms.

j.Continuing Students Changing Programs

A continuing student who wishes to change their academic program or major is required to contact the program-specific graduate office (see for specific instructions and the required form. Some graduate-level programs allow students to transfer from their current academic program to another academic program (see the relevant program section).

k.Returning After an Unapproved Absence from the University of Lethbridge

A student who is absent for one term without prior approval is withdrawn from the University. Individuals who desire to return after an unapproved absence of one or more terms must apply for readmission according to current application procedures and deadlines. Students returning after an unapproved absence due to extenuating circumstances may obtain approval to return from the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

1.Students who previously completed one or more terms at the University and have not completed any transferable courses at another institution during their absence may be considered for readmission to their previous program in accordance with the policies of the relevant program.

2.Students who are seeking readmission to a different program or who have completed transferable courses at another educational institution during their absence must meet current admission requirements for the program they are intending to pursue (see also Transfer Credit).

3.Students on academic probation upon leaving the University may be readmitted on academic probation and in accordance with policies outlined by the appropriate Faculty/School.

4.Readmission after Required Withdrawal

Students seeking readmission after required withdrawal from the University of Lethbridge will be considered for admission after one year from the date of required withdrawal, in accordance with the admission policies for the applicable program.

Students required to withdraw from the University twice are not normally eligible for readmission and will be considered after Student Enrolment and Registrar Services has consulted with the School of Graduate Studies.

Applicants readmitted to the University after being required to withdraw are normally readmitted on academic probation. See the Academic Standards section within the appropriate graduate degree for details.

5.Readmission after Suspension or Expulsion.

See Student Discipline Policy - Academic Offenses.