Supports Available on Campus
Supports Available to Students on Campus
At the University of Lethbridge there are a number of different supports you can access on campus if you have been affected by or subjected to sexual violence. These on campus supports listed below can offer in person support sessions for infromation regarding to sexual violence and safety planning, ongoing counselling to help process the trauma, and medical treatment.
Outside of these on campus direct supports there are a number of campus resources who also help to support students who have been affected by sexual violence, you can find that information here.
The Sexual Violence Prevention Educator (SVPE) is a support resource located on campus in the Counselling Services Department. The SVPE can provide support sessions if you have been affected by or subjected to sexual violence and or harassment and discrimination.
Information regarding sexual violence
Help you to receive Special Arrangements, see section 5.1 of the sexual violence policy
Referrals to supports and resources on and off campus
Discuss and provide information on reporting options
Information about the University of Lethbridge's Sexual Violence Policy
Information on the formal complaint process
support while you submit a formal complaint
Safety planning
Email Courtney Smith, the Sexual Violence Prevention Educator at
Counselling Services offers free, confidential, counselling for trauma and sexual violence. Counsellors can help to give you ongoing support, go through options, develop coping strategies and support academic accomodations.
For more information reagrding Counselling Services, please click here
Counselling Services offers free, confidential, counselling for trauma and sexual violence. Counsellors can help to give you ongoing support, go through options, develop coping strategies and support academic accomodations.
University of Lethbridge Counselling Services offers counselling in the following formats:
- Counselling Services
- Group counselling
- One-on-one counselling
- Wellness workshops
To book your first appointment with a counsellor you must come in person to Counselling Services loacted in Anderson Hall AH153, the reason why you must book this first appointment in person is becuase there are some forms (information form and a consent form) that you are required to fill out before you can start to see a counsellor.
Your first appointment will be an intake, this typically takes 15-20 minutes. The intake process allows you to address the areas of support you're needing, in this appointment you will be set up with an ongoing counsellor (if you decide this is the best pathway for you). Within support session with the SVPE, you can also be connected with a personal counsellor on campus.
Phone: 403-317-2845
The Health Centre exists to provide a safe place to deal with health/mental health concerns. At the Health Centre, our physicians, our psychiatrist, our nursing staff, and our support staff all focus on your health/mental health issues. Over the years we have expanded from a centre that provides basic health care, to a clinic offering a full spectrum of health and mental health care services to all students including landed immigrants and international students.
For more information regarding the Health Centre, please click here.
physical and mental health care, including
- disease prevention
- health promotion
- acute care and chronic care
In accordance with the University of Lethbridge Strategic Plan, the health centre has formed an integral part of the Campus Plan with the following mandates:
- Medical and Mental Health Clinic Services (on-campus physician and psychiatry appointments to deal with any health concern)
- Assistance to students with understanding and connecting to provincial health insurance assistance
- Health education to the campus community
- Communicable Disease Management
*This information was taken directly from*
Appointments can be booked by phone or in person.
- Book in person; they are located in the basement of the Student Union Building (SU020)
Phone: 403-329-2484 ext. 1