Accessing Assistance and Support


 Accessing Assistance and Support  

  1. An individual who has experienced sexual violence is encouraged to go to a place where they can find physical safety and emotional support.  This may be the home (or room) of a friend or a family member, or they may approach a member of the University’s staff, or a colleague or a supervisor. 
  2. An individual who has experienced sexual violence is encouraged to seek health care immediately.  Immediate care and counselling support is available through Lethbridge’s Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) at the Lethbridge Chinook Regional Hospital.  SART is part of the Sexual Violence Action Committee (SVAC) program in Lethbridge, which will provide coordinated and specialized support in making choices and understanding options. Options include treatment of injuries, emotional support and crisis intervention, pregnancy prevention, the testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infection, safety planning and referrals.  A survivor/victim will be provided with the option of collecting forensic (physical) evidence which they may choose to use later, or not at all. Individuals may access counselling directly, without seeking any other services through SART.  The University’s Health Centre and Counselling Services are also able to support a survivor/victim’s physical and emotional care in the days and months following a sexual assault. The YWCA in Lethbridge provides counselling and accompaniment and advocacy for women.  A 24-hour crisis & support line is available.
  3. University of Lethbridge Campus Security Services is available 24 hours to meet with individuals to provide safety planning and to explain the various immediate and subsequent options available to a survivor/victim of sexual violence.  Options may include: 
    •  accessing health care and other supports;
    •  the filing of a report with the police, which may result in criminal charges; and/or
    •  the filing of a report with the University under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy;
    •  choosing not to file a report.
  4. Other places to find support and learn about resources and options are:  
  5. Anyone who receives a disclosure of sexual violence is encouraged to provide the victim/survivor with an appropriate level of personal support and information about options and resources. Campus Security Services is available 24 hours (403-329-2345) and will provide information to those inquiring on behalf of someone else.