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  1. Distinguished Teaching Award

    consistent improvement in the organization and delivery of course content, and in subsequent evaluations by ...

  2. Careers in Physics (examples of women who ...

  3. Dr. Sergio Pellis

    Biography: Content Pending Recent Publications: Field EF, Metz GA, Pellis SM, Whishaw IQ. Sexually dimorphic ...

  4. Combined Degrees Program Detail

    range of curriculum content, especially if you choose to teach at the elementary level. If wish to find out more about ...

  5. Raising Spirit   Building rapport key to success of the Raising Spirit project, August 19, 2016: ...

  6. Respiratory Protection

    respirators or masks if the serviceability is in doubt, use APRs where oxygen content in the air is less than ...

  7. So What Exactly is SCALE-UP?

    means that content is delivered to students outside of and prior to class, while in-class activities ... hands-on learning occurring in class, and content delivery happening before and outside of class. …plus ... the laptops. The instructor has the ability to project his/her content to all the screens in the room, ...

  8. Critical Thinking Pedagogy in the Classroom: Dr. Lance Grigg

    course content-delivery, there is the required, explicit instruction about CT with the added focus on ...

  9. 100 Days Deep at Sea in a Rowboat

    students can help formulate the content by posing questions and interacting with the expedition team. As ...

  10. Concurrent Session Five

    correlates to the course material, but also save them money. using vodcasting tutorial content to allow ...