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  1. 2013 looking to be the busiest building year yet Another big project taking place is the PE underground tunnel rehabilitation and south plaza ...

  2. Independent Studies Policy

    not duplicate the content of regular course offerings (i.e. students cannot take an independent study ...

  3. Undergraduate Studies

    The course content is so fascinating; I have a better idea of what I would like to do after graduation ...

  4. Uploading a Zoom Cloud Recording to Yuja

    ‘Yuja-Cim’, and click on ‘Select Content’.   After adding the external tool, upload videos in Yuja Media ...

  5. Nursing next steps Sherry Hogeweide Phone: 403-329-2220 Email: Program Office Lethbridge College-  ...

  6. Multi-Mini Interview Prep

    dress and confident posture  Be mindful of fidgeting  Do not be a content expert, admit when you do not ...

  7. Careers in Physics (examples of women who have contributed to science and mathematics) Who's Hiring Physics ...

  8. Design and Construction Standards

    on new facilities, renovation projects, and ongoing maintenance of infrastructure. The content ...

  9. Registration Restrictions

    have your completed PPG available, including the courses that comprise your major.   Was this content ...

  10. Determine Courses

    Requirement courses and electives you intend to complete in the upcoming term.     Was this content helpful? ...