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  1. Counselling Counselling Services, Bow Valley College Learner Success Services, 1 st Floor, south campus, Bow ...

  2. Horns Rec News- July

    visible to floor staff to ensure everyone safety. The Shelter also able to provide referrals to other ...

  3. Food for Thought

    Counselling Services), Markin Hall (main floor by staircase), Student Union (1st floor by ULSU), Library ... (24-hr study space), University Centre for the Arts (4th floor by elevator), and Science Commons (6th ... floor by elevator). Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement on an exciting initiative that will make it ...

  4. People Here to Help You

    the bottom floor of the Students’ Union building (SU 020). Their staff include doctors, psychiatrists, ...

  5. International Centre

    celebrates a diverse community. Our International Centre is located on the lowest floor of the Student Union ... T2G 4V1 (6 th  Floor, Bow Valley College – South Campus building) or click the button above to book ...

  6. The Space for Active Learning

    group work without sacrificing content. For me, the question is instead how to make the content the ... work can build connections with content, reinforce and solidify the students’ grasp of content through ... application, and provide a way to summarize and synthesize the content covered. None of this is a sacrifice to ...

  7. Meet our Graduate Students

    and hunter who also enjoys Golf, Skiing, and Ice Hockey. His love for the outdoors eventually took him ...

  8. AWP Independent Study Courses

    contents of existing courses. Rather, they typically extend an existing course or expand the student’s ...

  9. Guidelines

    usually offered at the 3000 or 4000 level and should not duplicate the contents of existing courses. There ...

  10. Igniting the Light: A Message from the Director

    Contents ...