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  1. Cayley Fleischman | Neuroscience

    Social Activity:  Fresh Fest Favourite Study Spot:  I practically lived on the 9th Floor of the Library ...

  2. Contact

    403-571-3360 6th Floor | Bow Valley College South Campus ...

  3. Contact Us

    Records Inquiries: Calgary Campus 6 th Floor, Bow Valley College Calgary, Alberta ...

  4. About Us

    botanists, ecologists, students, and the general public. Located on the 7th floor of the University of ...

  5. What Not To Bring

    Materials This includes any product that can cause damage to furniture, fixtures, walls, or floors See  ...

  6. Broadcaster and former NHL goaltender Kelly Hrudey to headline 7th Annual Pronghorns Scholarship Breakfast

    Thursday, November 22, 2018 Former National Hockey League goaltender and Hockey Night in Canada ... guest speaker, just as we are gearing up to host the U Sports University Cup Men’s National Hockey ... originally from Edmonton, is well known to southern Alberta hockey fans. He played junior hockey with the ...

  7. Blended Learning

      For instructors it... extends learning time and promotes greater engagement with content whereby ... actively connect previous knowledge to course content, prepare for class activities before a class or ... digital competencies in order to support your students online, including the curation of digital content ...

  8. Overview of Spring 2018 Events

    Children Past Mar23_v2.pdf Wayfinding: Once through the main library entrance on the 10th floor, turn right ... to take the stairs up to the 11th floor (or the elevator in the library straight ahead, slightly to ... the right). Once entering the door on the 11th floor, turn left. The Prentice Institute Board Room is ...

  9. Campus Buildings

    apartment is divided into two buildings connected on the main floor. Parkway Service Complex (SC) This ... facility features a retail floor housing the Bookstore, food kiosks, dining area, and mini-mart. The ... bottom two floors. Turcotte Hall (TH) This facility houses the Faculty of Education and the Facilities ...

  10. Overview of Spring 2018 Events

    Children Past Mar23_v2.pdf Wayfinding: Once through the main library entrance on the 10th floor, turn right ... to take the stairs up to the 11th floor (or the elevator in the library straight ahead, slightly to ... the right). Once entering the door on the 11th floor, turn left. The Prentice Institute Board Room is ...