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  1. Microsoft 365

    teaching. From content creation using Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote, to media streaming on Steam, and ...

  2. Transfer Student: Applied Degree or Technology Degree Admission

    sufficient academic content, we will consider you for general admission with a diploma GPA of 2.0 or higher. ...

  3. Request A Service

    a Security Representative will review the content and, where appropriate, initiate an investigation or ...

  4. Exams

    Two Testing Groups Content is consistent with life experiences of two targeted groups: DELF ...

  5. Check Your Schedule

    to check your schedule before the first day of classes.   Was this content helpful? Send us your ...

  6. Societies & Clubs

    Society The New Media Students' Society is dedicated to encourage the creation of content and ...

  7. Teaching Essentials

    Assessments Assignments Learn More Teaching Online Teaching Online Resources Communication Content Delivery ...

  8. Waitlists (Undergraduate)

    Office Markin Hall M2060   Was this content helpful? Send us your feedback. ...

  9. Academic Advising

    study, and, in some cases, to change your major   Was this content helpful? Send us your feedback. ...

  10. Using AI

    you are as a person and your goals? If you use the content, does it sound like you are in person and ... Have you fully reviewed the content you have used?  Is curated to the career goal I am interested in? ... information and thought deeply about how to integrate it with your content or goals?    Other Important ...