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  1. September 2012

    the committee for their work. M. Mahon opened the floor to nominations. MOTION: gfc.2012.09.04 Hakin ...

  2. October 2012

    explained the process. M. Mahon opened the floor to nominations. M. Helstein S. Alam MOTION: gfc.2012.10.04 ...

  3. December 2013

    Alumni there as well. • He attended the 7th floor Christmas party. Page 2 of 5 • He attended his first ...

  4. December 2014

    in large part to the Financial Market Research and Teaching facility (trading floor), a UofL team ...

  5. October 2016

    opened the floor to nominations. The following nominations were received for two, two-year terms:  James ...

  6. September 2017

    invited to highlight a few items from their respective areas and then the floor was opened to questions. ...

  7. April 2019

    opened the floor to Senators who would like to share their experiences in the various ways or activities ...

  8. October 2019

    or comments. 10. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 10.1 Senate Moments K. Johnson opened the floor to Senators ...

  9. February 2020

    INFORMATION 7.1 Senate Moments K. Johnson opened the floor to Senators who would like to share their ...

  10. October 2021

    Moments D. Boras opened the floor to Senators who would like to share their experiences in the various ...