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  1. Team Grant: Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging KM Hub

    consumption for the purposes of informing and engaging interested parties (e.g., website content) must be ...

  2. Addiction and Mental Health Psychotherapy (GD)

    content and structure of a CV. English Language Requirements (ELP) for Graduate Students English is the ...

  3. Epidemiology and Biostatistics (GC)

    content and structure of a CV. English Language Proficiency (ELP) for graduate students English is the ...

  4. uofl_environmental_science_program_closing_memo_2024.pdf

    lacking in Indigenous content, whether through coursework in the program or through courses taken ... – Environmental Science 2000 and 4000. As well, the 2000-level course has different content (and associated ... Science program having Indigenous-focused courses or course content (see Recommendations). • An application/pdf attached to:B.Sc. Environmental Science

  5. hrmlr_closing_memo_-_may_2020.pdf

    and resulting in some overlap in course content.  There is very little blended learning offered and ... bring this knowledge back to the area. 5. The HRMLR program should increase the HR analytics content by ... curriculum. 5. The HRMLR program should increase the HR analytics content by encouraging faculty to integrate application/pdf attached to:Human Resources Management and Labour Relations

  6. 2005

    A crack was found in one of the pillars on the seventh floor of University Hall. The crack has been ...

  7. 2010

    Nominations from floor: Judith Kulig Nomination accepted. MOTION: MacLachlan/Wood That the General Faculties ...

  8. 2011

    to look at scaling down marks. Ian opened the floor to discussion as this is an item for information ...

  9. 2007- February

    home for the University 7th floors employees. We expect the transition of Vice-President (Academic) to ...

  10. September 2011

    MOTION: gfc.2011.09.06 The floor was open to nominations for the Executive Committee replacement term for ...