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  1. February 2023

    surrounded diversity. GFC Exec would like to request volunteers from the floor at GFC to help with the ... volunteers for one more for the AVP IT Search Committee next. The floor was open to nominations for one (1) ...

  2. November 2023

    meeting. The Chair asked for any questions from the floor. 3. QUESTION PERIOD • S. Findlay – In the CCC ... The floor was then open to nominations. MOTION: gfc.2023.11.02 Helstein/Marynowski That nominations ...

  3. Job Fair Volunteers Needed

    Making sure representatives sign in • Provide information about floor plan, interview room assignments ...

  4. November 2012

    18th he met with the Premier to tour the trading floor and labs.  Canada School of Energy and the ...

  5. October 2013

    a Starbucks near the library, and a new Tim Horton’s and Subway on the 6th floor of University Hall. 4.3 Board ...

  6. March 2015

    to work with all departments to optimize space requirements. Changes are deleting the tenth floor ...

  7. December 2019

    floor to Senators who would like to share their experiences in the various ways or activities they ...

  8. October 2020

    current year. 11. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 11.1Senate Moments C. Goodreau opened the floor to Senators who ...

  9. December 2020

    additional reports. 12. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 12.1 Senate Moments C. Goodreau opened the floor to Senators ...

  10. February 2021

    SESSION 8. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 8.1 Senate Moments C. Goodreau opened the floor to Senators who would ...