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  1. Education Specializations

    the minimum requirements for their major or minor.   See the current Academic Calendar for a complete ...

  2. Minors

    Academic Calendar  for a complete list of minors available, required courses for each minor, and for ...

  3. ChatGPT & AI Resources

    December 15, 2022 AI Can Save Writing by Killing ... AI Technology and Academic Integrity York U page for faculty relating to AI technology ... A Snapshot of AI Tools to Create and Curate Content in Higher Education ...

  4. President's Award for Service Excellence

    Stevenson-Ferarri (AUPE), Terry Kirkvold (APO) 2005 Catherine Ross (AUPE), Peter Haney (APO) 2006 Penny Secretan ... Layng, and Jeanette Leusink (TEAM) 2014 Steve Craig (APO), Margaret Cook (AUPE), Conference and Event ...

  5. Dr. Blythe Shephard

    risk for developing depression,” says Shepard. “Each year, four thousand 15- to 24-year-olds commit ... suicide, the second leading cause of death for 15- to 19-year-olds. Mental health services are not ... people receive supervision throughout their professional lives,” she says. Research shows clinical ...

  6. Equipment

    are exceptions.   ARRTI Member University of Lethbridge External Academic Commercial or Industry Flow ... Thermal Cycler $10.00/Run $15.00/Run $20.00/Run $21.00/Run Eppendorf™ Mastercycler™ Nexus Gradient eco ... Thermal Cycler $10.00/Run $15.00/Run $20.00/Run $21.00/Run StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System $25.00/Run ...

  7. Equipment

    are exceptions.   ARRTI Member University of Lethbridge External Academic Commercial or Industry Flow ... Thermal Cycler $10.00/Run $15.00/Run $20.00/Run $21.00/Run Eppendorf™ Mastercycler™ Nexus Gradient eco ... Thermal Cycler $10.00/Run $15.00/Run $20.00/Run $21.00/Run StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System $25.00/Run ...

  8. Pre-Professional Transfer Program (Engineering)

    Academic Faculty Faculty of Arts and Science Complete January, 2013 to December, 2013 Engineering ... Pre-Prof Transfer Program review_Closing Memo_Jan 22 2014.pdf ...

  9. Department of New Media

    Academic Faculty Faculty of Fine Arts Complete January, 2013 to January, 2014 New Media Dept ...

  10. Master of Arts

    Academic Faculty School of Graduate Studies Complete September, 2013 to October, 2014 M.A. ...