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  1. TheatreXtra

    productions. General Information TheatreXtra will be allocated two production slots per academic year, to be ... support – in addition to the pool of 80 rehearsal hours: 10 hours – supervise seating move-in and strike. ... 10 hours – supervise set move-in and strike. 10 hours – consultation/supervision during light hang. ...

  2. Past Course Offerings

    will not be recognized on the official University of Lethbridge academic transcript and will not be ... counted toward any University of Lethbridge academic credential. Intellectual Property: Cover Your Assets ... 7:00 pm Week 5: IP Ownership/Funding Opportunities- Wednesday, February 15 th, 5:30- 7:00 pm  * This ...

  3. Associate Vice-President (Research) & Dean, School of Graduate Studies Search & Review Committee Membership

    Vice-President (Research) [Committee Chair – supervising senior VP] Dena McMartin President or Designate  ... Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic) One (1) Dean/University Librarian appointed by ... Statutory Deans’ Council             Four (4) Academic Staff Members appointed by Graduate School Council ...

  4. Fine Arts

    education! Submit your application before March 15. Abbondànza Award application Find more awards & ... Dramatic Arts Music Master of Music (MMus) Major: Music Master of Arts (MA) Major: Music   New Media Master ...

  5. Student Theses

    University of Lethbridge Academic Calendar (Undergraduate) 11.d.1(6)- Undergraduate Thesis Courses ...

  6. 2020.SPRING.CAAP.6617.DIXON

    the University Calendar ( Standards of Professional Conduct ... received it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calendar Description Qualitative and quantitative research ... Work QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH FOCUS • Critical review of a quantitative research article from an academic ...

  7. E-Thesis Submission Steps

    LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_DEGREE_COPYRIGHTYEAR.pdf Example:  JONES_MORGAN_MSC_2014.pdf The library will prepare a list of subject/keywords for your ... Graduate Studies. If you would like to make a request for non-discoverable status, contact sgs ... Email: Thesis Submission Assistance School of Graduate Studies Need ...

  8. K-12 Professional Community

    form: Student Teacher or Intern Requst Form Contact Information for Supervising Student Teachers Field ...

  9. June 2015

    of the Calendar. (p. 5) Prior approval: Curriculum Coord. Com.: May 11/15 Recommendation #4 That ... in the Graduate Calendar for the M.A., M.F.A., M.Mus., M.Sc., M.Sc. (Mgt.) and Ph.D. programs. (p. ... 11/15 Recommendation #13 That General Faculties Council approve the changes to the academic probation ...

  10. Western Canadian Deans' Agreement

    SGS office or emails it to Phase Managing Programs Master of Science in Management ... exceed two academic terms of four months each Permissions Courses must be an integral part of their ...