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    ( In addition, as a student in the Faculty of Education, you are required to adhere to the conduct ... academic and non-academic offences in accordance with the University Calendar ... Worrall Page 2 of 10 CALENDAR COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students are engaged in a critical evaluation of a range ...

  2. FAQ

    types of academic accommodation please refer to: University of Lethbridge Calendars ACADEMIC REGULATIONS     ... Counsellor. We are a teaching facility, and our Graduate Practicum Counsellors are supervised by another ... information with other people, such as an academic advisor or doctor, you must give us written permission. You ...

  3. Academic Life

    Academic Schedule Tuition and Fees Withdrawal Academic Culture Online Tools Convocation ...

  4. Academic Plan

    Build your Academic Plan Academic deliverables are an essential component of this course ... accounting for 60% of the total grade. You can have 1 to 4 academic deliverables in your plan (ex. paper(s), ... presentation(s), project(s), or other academically appropriate deliverables). Engage in thorough discussions with ...

  5. Archived Academic Plans

    Archived Academic Plans All academic plans will be archived here for historical purposes 2020-2023 ... Academic Plan 2017-2020 Academic Plan 2016-2017 Academic Plan ...

  6. Spring 2020 English for Academic Purposes Completion Award

    English for Academic Purposes Award Recipient: Anna Vozniuk Anna Vozniuk is the recipient of the ... English for Academic Purposes Completion Award for her work in meeting her English Language Proficiency ... student with a bright academic future ahead of her.  She will do well in whatever she puts her mind to.” ...

  7. Academic Quality Assurance Committee

    The formal academic quality assurance process is overseen by the Academic Quality Assurance ... Committee, a committee of the General Faculties Council. Quality assurance reviews are guided by the Academic ... Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures document. The current members of the Academic Quality Assurance ...

  8. English for Academic Purposes Award Recipient: Roman Pirus

    by his instructors for demonstrated academic achievement in his overall grades in each component of ... .________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I came to Lethbridge in the fall of 2021 to study English for Academic Purposes because I want to study ... correctly, writing academic essays, and more. I plan to study marketing at the University of Lethbridge. In ...

  9. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

    English for Academic Purposes Program Details EAP Semester Dates Tuition and Fees How to Apply ELI ...

  10. University of Lethbridge Policy for Academic Accommodations

    For information on what Academic Accommodations means for students, faculty, and staff at the ... University of Lethbridge please read the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy ...