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  1. The Chancellor

    conferral of academic and honorary degrees, and presides over all University convocations. ...

  2. Parchments and Transcripts

    "Academic Transcript". ...

  3. Leadership Interviews

    Chancellor Nancy Walker, Vice President (Finance & Administration) Andy Hakin, Vice President (Academic ...

  4. Campus Organization

    requirements as per enrolment growth and proposed academic and research programs Recalibrate campus by ...

  5. Relevant Studies & Reports

    17, 2011 Campus Space Report: Accommodating Growth to 2018 An academic and administrative space ... achieve academic success in a safe environment that fosters the pursuit of personal and academic growth. ... choice. Heather Mirau, Hospitality Services September, 2005 Core Campus Expansion Plan An academic and ...

  6. Landscape Plan

    proposed new academic and residential buidlings. The above guidelines govern the conceptual plan below: ...

  7. Vehicular Routes

    academic facilities was proposed to utilize the West Lot car park. An adjoining Conference Centre and a new ...

  8. Specific Planning Objectives

    academic precinct that should be reserved to accommodate growth beyond a 11,000 student campus population, ... precincts and re-affirm the logical grouping of academic, administrative, athletic, cultural and other ... expression that reinforces a sense of place and which showcases research or academic symbolism, social, ...

  9. Pedestrian Routes

    exception of the ten minute maximum walking distance for all academic areas. Guidelines for exterior ...

  10. Project Organization

    Input Sub-Committee (PIsC) will be comprised of several other individuals, such as Deans, key academic ...