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  1. Careers

    openings Academic Non-Academic About ULethbridge Employment Equity ULethbridge is committed to creating an ...

  2. Agility

          From Innovation to Creation Agility Events Calendar 📅 The Innovation Zone ⚙ ✄ ✹ Pillars of ... Agility ♜♜♜♜ 📅 Community Interests Calendar  Learn how to access the innovation zone Summer Semester ...

  3. Academic Calendar and Course Catalogue   **Special grading has been enacted for the Spring ... 2020 term and is available on the Academic Calendar website** The University of Lethbridge ... Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars set forth the intention of the University, at the time of its publication, ...

  4. President & Vice Chancellor Search

    the Board of Governors, our Chancellor, academic staff, administrative staff and undergraduate and ... Vice-Chancellor The President & Vice-Chancellor has general supervision over and direction of the operation of ... inclusive academic and administrative vision of what the University should be that optimizes the development ...

  5. Counselling Services

    Behaviour? Report concerning via  Behavioural Intervention Report. Academic Regulations Counselling Services Role in ... Academic Regulations Workshops Our creative dynamic team uses interactive technologies and can present on ...

  6. Convocation

    of Graduate Studies (MC, MEd, MFA, MMus) Faculty of Education (BEd) Combined Degrees with Education ...

  7. Future Graduate Students

    and bursaries and $1.5 million in various GAs annually.​ We also offer a variety of other financial ... have access to a range of unique opportunities and superior academic, professional, and personal ...

  8. Faculty of Arts & Science

    academic faculty at the University of Lethbridge with over 40 disciplines.       Future Undergraduate ... professional development through academic programs and services designed to give you a competitive edge in ...

  9. Health Centre

    academic records. We retain your records for 10 years, from the date of the last appointment. After this ...

  10. Department of Political Science

    Violence in Europe, Russia, Eurasia) on Mondays/Wednesdays 3:00- 4:15 p.m. and POLI  2310A (Comparative ... Politics and Government) on Mondays/Wednesdays: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.        Dr. Lars Hallström- POLI 3850A ... Social Policy in Canada) It is scheduled for Mondays/Wednesdays from 12:00- 1:15 p.m. Read More Dr. John ...