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  1. Speaker Series

    | 9:00-10:15 AM | ZOOM Dr. Andrew Frey-Prarie University Physics Speaker Series University of Winnipeg https ... :// Thursday, January 28 | 9:00-10:15 AM | ZOOM Dr. Gregory Sivakoff University of Alberta https://www ... #.YAYdfHZKjcc   Thursday, February 4th | 9:00-10:15 AM | ZOOM Dr. Douglas Singleton Fresno State University ...

  2. Domestic Graduate Students

    support opportunities from SGS, Scholarships and Student Finance, and outside agencies are put into ... Courses are academic non-credit courses that will appear on your academic and MyExperience transcripts. ...

  3. Step 5: Conditional Admission

    be offered to applicants: Whose academic qualifications satisfy the requirements of the program they ... applicant who is offered Conditional English Proficiency Admission is admitted to an academic program ... conditional upon meeting the University's ELP requirement. See Admissions in the Undergraduate Calendar ...

  4. Past Events

    justice.   ' The Letters': EDI  (Equity Diversity Inclusion) and Tracing Work in the Academe ... in the Neoliberal Era: Academic Cultures and Critical Perspectives (UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017) ... Autonomous University of Queretaro (UAQ) in 2014 and MA in Philosophy from the University of Guanajuato in ...

  5. Events & Activities

    semester at the U of L as well as the Galt Museum and Archives. 2014.01.29 COHT Disability, Sexuality, and ... Family in Alberta – Report | Dr. Claudia Malacrida Retreats April 2014 ...

  6. 2015-16 Budget Updates

    Mahon's message about budget process and budget challenges December 16, 2014: Budget Process Update from ... Vice President Walker December 2014:  Open Mike column about potential budget challenges ...

  7. Testimonials

    lucky to have COHT in our community! Thank you Workshop Participant, November 2014 Oral history is ... Ingram, BA Honours, 2014 ...

  8. Open Studies

    university's online Academic Schedule to determine when the precise OS registration period for an approaching ... registering into courses where they lack the appropriate Calendar-mandated requisite conditions How to ... university's online Course Catalogues) Updated every year Select appropriate academic-level Any courses that ...

  9. Workshops

    provided. Register to Attend March 15, 2024 | Integrated and End-of-Grant Knowledge Translation This ...  March 15, 2024 | 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Presenters:  Candace Ramjohn and Gabrielle Zimmermann from AbSPORU ... students. Agenda: 9:30-10:15 am: The Complete Guide to ARISE Tutorial for the online ARISE ethics system, ...

  10. Awards and Scholarships

    external scholarships, awards and bursaries and $1.5 million in various GAs annually.​ We also offer ...