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  1. Information About Tuition & Fees

    students are required to pay a non-refundable deposit as per the Graduate Calendar. This deposit must be ... Academic Schedule. Tuition Fees Students in most programs pay full fees at the outset of the program and ... section of the Graduate Calendar can make payments on their University of Lethbridge student account using ...

  2. History of U of L

    to grow academically and structurally, newly formed athletics programs also began to hit their ... new School of Nursing. A year later the University would add a second school of study to its calendar ... national arena. 1990s Building on the decades that preceded it, the 1990s extended the geographic, academic ...

  3. Director's Message 2014-2015

    I wish you the best in the 2014-15 academic year. David Hinger ...

  4. Thesis Supervisors

    may agree to supervise students based on a number of criteria, including areas of research expertise ... and familiarity with research methodologies. Subject to availablility, faculty available to supervise ...

  5. Teachers

    L.  2023-24 Workshops Topics are here! Find the brochure online Availability Calendar! AVAILABILITY ... general public 2023-24 Workshops Topics are here!  Availability Calendar AVAILABILITY   |  TOPICS   |  ...

  6. FOIP Frequently Asked Questions

    to send invitations. Are the notes I write in my calendar or notebook subject to the FOIP Act? The ... to: email, notebooks, calendars, sticky notes... Student Can an employee of the university ask ...

  7. Our Reason for Being

    of retired academic staff; sponsor and support programs and activities that enhance the welfare of ... community of retired academic staff, their activities, and concerns; promote and safeguard the status and ... privileges of retired academic staff; and provide opportunities for social and intellectual interaction among ...

  8. Benefits & Services

    of retired academic staff" of the University of Lethbridge.  To that end, the process of ... to be provided by the UofL to retired academic staff.        ...

  9. Our Funding & Fees

    scholarship application is  May 15.  Results are release within the scholarship portal by October 1st.   Visit ...

  10. Summer Camps

    Experience U Week 3 (Jul 15-19) $250 IRON   (K-2) Engineering & Science-- Codemakers (4-5)---- Week ... for these times.      A TYPICAL DAY  8:30am- Drop off  9:00am- STEM Activities  10:15am- Snack Break!  ...