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  1. Campus Bird Checklist created by U of L master’s student an open invitation to enjoy birding on campus spaces

    Tuesday, October 12, 2021 With one of the most unique settings in Canadian post-secondary, the ... in Canadian post-secondary, the University of Lethbridge is home to an abundance of wildlife, not the ...

  2. Semester at Sea experience the opportunity of a lifetime for University of Lethbridge psychology student

    must be a second-year undergraduate student, a Canadian resident or permanent resident and have been ... Williams. Eligible participants must be a second-year undergraduate student, a Canadian resident or ...


    have relatives working or attending Indicate Zone 6 schools where you have relatives working or ...

  4. Teaching Innovation Fund supports remote sensing class project sending balloon to the edge of space

    aspects of the project and the building began. The design of the instrument cluster was relatively simple, ... cluster was relatively simple, consisting of three cameras (colour, infra-red and thermal), GPS, ...

  5. Charter of Expectations for the Board of Governors

    Ministerial relations, 3.3.1 report to the Minister as legally required and, from time to time, suggesting ... receive, at least annually, reports from Senior Administrators on matters relating to, among others, ...

  6. University of Lethbridge planning for significant return to campus for Fall 2021 semester

    Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Anticipating positive shifts in the coming months related to COVID-19 ... significant return to campus for Fall 2021 semester Anticipating positive shifts in the coming months related ...

  7. Pronghorn Athletics launches 26th Installment of Operation Red Nose

    driving-related collisions are 100 per cent preventable and we encourage everyone to celebrate responsibly and ... during the busy holiday season to help make our roads safer. Impaired driving-related collisions are 100 ...

  8. April 2023

    – Grad Student 3. QUESTION PERIOD • G. Bonifacio asked about the people plan relating to the GFC ... strategic planning committee. Want to ensure how they all relate and that there is not consultation fatigue ...

  9. Provocative new book opens doors on life at Alberta’s Michener Centre during province’s eugenics years

    the residents of Michener Centre while working on a book project with the Alberta Association for ... with the Alberta Association for Community Living when she was a doctoral student. That project traced ...

  10. University of Lethbridge establishes first therapeutic recreation degree program in Alberta

    degree program is being lauded by the Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) as addressing ... Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) as addressing a provincial need. “This degree program ...