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  1. Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute welcomes Gairdner winner for RNA and Epigenetics Symposium

    Research and Training Institute (ARRTI) is thrilled to host Dr. Azim Surani, recipient of the 2018 Canada ... Institute (ARRTI) is thrilled to host Dr. Azim Surani, recipient of the 2018 Canada Gairdner International ... Germline and Epigenetics Research, Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute and a Marshall-Walton ...

  2. Breadth of institutional research on display with award of $3.7 million of federal funding across disciplines

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021 University of Lethbridge research projects from across the institution were ...  (CRC) confirmed at 36 institutions across Canada. “The investment of nearly $4 million in our institution’s research ... as one of the country’s leading comprehensive research institutions.” In all, 30 different projects ...

  3. University of Lethbridge Welcomed into CFA Institute University Recognition Program

    U of L is home to leading research centres and world-renowned faculty members who bring their research ... into the classroom and actively engage students in research opportunities. About CFA Institute CFA ...  home  to  leading  research  centres  and  world-­‐renowned  faculty  members  who  bring  their ...

  4. Parkland Institute Faculty Research Award

    Parkland Institute is an Alberta-wide, non-partisan research centre situated within the Faculty of ... the study to the Parkland   Institute, the discipline, researcher, and/or Alberta and Canada at large. ... Arts at the University of Alberta. Parkland Institute studies economic, social, cultural, and political ...

  5. U of L study shows gaps in services for youth with mental health disorders

    Monday, September 27, 2021 A new study by University of Lethbridge researchers has shown parents ... resources for their child. The study was recently published in the Journal of Child Health Care. “We don’t ... u_of_l_study_shows_gaps_in_services_for_youth_with_mental_health_disorderssept2721.pdf u_of_l_study_shows_gaps_in_services_for_youth_with_mental_health_disorderssept2721.pdf For ...

  6. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2011-2012 to 2013- 2014

    operating as a Comprehensive Academic and Research Institution under the authority of the Post-secondary ... centres of research excellence in areas in which it has special expertise or that have particular ...

  7. Department of Political Science

    Studies      Department Highlights Dr. Stephanie Kerr – POLI 4300A (F2024): Terrorism and Extremist ... Science is the systematic study of government, politics and political behaviour. Political Science is the ... systematic study of government, politics and political behaviour, in a rapidly changing world. It studies how ...

  8. Dr. Mary-Ann Shantz (2016)

      My Time as a Writing Fellow with the Institute for Child and Youth Studies by  Dr. Mary-Ann ... Child and Youth Studies provided me with space and time to think and write; but even more valuable to me ... Shantz  In July 2016 I had the pleasure of being hosted as a Writing Fellow by the Institute for Child and ...

  9. Institutional Policies and Procedures

    9 Columns (75%) Tablet Block Width:  12 Columns (100%) Contact Sheena Olson Governance Officer University Secretariat Office University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB  T1K 3M4 Tel: (403) 329.2482 12 Columns (100%) ...

  10. Centre for Oral History and Tradition Indigenous Student Summer Institute Award

    The Centre for Oral History and Tradition Indigenous Student Summer Institute Award supports ... students interested in oral history research. The award covers tuition for two students to take part in the ... COHT Oral History Summer Institute (one award will be to cover tuition for a U of L Indigenous student ...