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  1. Spring 2019 Professional Semester II Calendar

    Revised to Spring 2019 FINAL Calendar Dec. 14/18 psii_calendar ... _sp2019_final.pdf psii_calendar_sp2019_final.pdf PSII Calendar_Sp2019_FINAL Final: December 20, 2018 M T W Th F Jan. 07 (10:00 AM) Information ...

  2. Fall 2021 Professional Semester I Calendar

    Fall 2021 PS I Calendar revised Sept, 2021 Fall 2021 PS I Calendar Education Documents Field ... Experiences psi_calendar_f21_final.pdf PSI_Calendar_F21 DRAFT Semester Schedule Sep. 07 (am) Virtual ...

  3. Fall 2021 Professional Semester I Calendar

    Fall 2021 PS I Calendar revised September, 2021 psi_calendar_f21_final.pdf Education Documents ... Field Experiences psi_calendar_f21_final.pdf PSI_Calendar_F21 DRAFT Semester Schedule Sep. 07 (am) ...

  4. Professional Semester II Spring 2022 Calendar

    Spring 2022 Professional Semester II Calendar Professional Semester II Spring 2022 Calendar ... Education Documents PS II psii_calendar_sp2022_nov_19_final.pdf PSII Calendar Sp2022 Nov 19 Final(72).xlsx ...

  5. Professional Semester II Spring 2023 Calendar

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  6. Summer 2021 EDUC 2500 Calendar

    April 30, 2021 Summer 2021 EDUC 2500 Calendar Education Documents Student Program Services ... educ_2500_calendar_summer_2021.pdf ED 2500 Calendar Summer 2021.xls [Compatibility Mode] ...

  7. Fall 2023 Professional Semester I Calendar

    Fall 2023 PS I Calendar revised Aug 2/23 psi_calendar_f23_draft.pdf Education Documents Field ... Experiences psi_calendar_f23_draft.pdf Semester Schedule May 5/23 Sep. 05 (am) Orientation W500 M T W Th ...

  8. Professional Semester II Spring 2024 Calendar

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  9. Fall 2024 Professional Semester I Calendar

    Fall 2024 PS I Calendar revised June 28/24. Fall 2024 PS I Calendar Education Documents Field ... Experiences psi_calendar_fall_2024_-_student_version.pdf Semester Schedule (DRAFT) May 28/24 Sep. 03 (am) ...

  10. PS II Spring 2020 Calendar

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