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  1. About ARRTI

    reports!   2017-18 ARRTI Annual Report 2016-17 ARRTI Annual Report ...

  2. Presentations

    Japanese-Canadian Experience  Dr. George Takashima, December 7, 2017 Dr. Takashima, a survivor of internment in Canada during ... University January 24, 2017 This talk examines the early history of 4-H, the United States Department of ... with Animals after Industrial Reproduction Gabriel Rosenberg, Duke University January 25, 2017 This ...

  3. Looking to the Future

    of speakers for 2016-2017.  Already we anticipate hearing from Dr. Gabe Rosenberg (Women's ...

  4. Sherry Davis BA, B.Mgt, PFP, FCSI

    students at the U of L, through the Sherry Davis Academic Award, established in 2017. Sherry is a Senior ...

  5. Shining Students

    SHINING STUDENTS Share a Passion for Learning Since 2017/18, students have been recognized as and ...

  6. PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. David Hobbs

    the editor of 21 Poems by George Oppen (New Directions 2017) and — with Richard Sieburth — Tempus ...

  7. Dr. Darren J. Aoki

    Council of Canada Insight Grant (2019-2023) as well as other local grants. Launched in summer 2017 by Aoki ...

  8. Mental Health Surveys

    and Spring 2017. Healthy Bodies Survey The purpose of this study is to understand the student ...

  9. Art Open House

    catalogue and award recognition 2019:  Annual Art Open House celebrates 23 student award winners 2017 ...

  10. A&S Faculty & Staff Resources

    & Schedules Arts & Science Council Meetings (2017/2019) Forms Professional Activities Report ...