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  1. March 2017

    GFC Approved Minutes_Mar_6_2017.pdf Department General Faculties Council Document Type Council ... Meeting Minutes Year 2017 Month March GFC Approved Minutes_Mar_6_2017.pdf GENERAL FACULTIES COUNCIL ... MEETING #517 Approved Minutes Monday, March 6, 2017 3:00 p.m. in W646 Present: M. Mahon (Chair), C. Adams, ...

  2. Geography Dept review_Closing Memo_2017.pdf

    Geography Dept review_Closing Memo_2017.pdf Microsoft Word- Geography Dept review_Closing ... Memo_2017.docx Geography Dept review_Closing Memo_2017.docx 1 TO: Mike Mahon President and Vice Chancellor DATE: ... March 30, 2017 FROM: Alan Siaroff Chair, Academic Quality Assurance Committee RE: Department of application/pdf attached to:Department of Geography

  3. MFA-MMus review_Closing Memo_2017_0.pdf

    MFA-MMus review_Closing Memo_2017_0.pdf Microsoft Word- MFA-MMus review_Closing Memo_2017 ... .docx MFA-MMus review_Closing Memo_2017.docx 1 TO: Mike Mahon President and Vice Chancellor DATE: June 26, 2017 ... of Music at its June 21, 2017 meeting. The Self Study Committee for this review comprised Deric Olsen application/pdf attached to:Master of Fine Arts / Master of Music

  4. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2015-2016 to 2017- 2018

    ................................................................................................................... 38 7.5 a) Budget Adjustments ... of Master’s and Doctoral students being 30 or younger3. In Fall 2014, 38.2 % of all students at the ... 3.8% 21.3% 3.1% 3.1% 11.5% 4.6% 1.4% 1.8% 2.3% 4.5% 0.5% Fall 2014 Enrolment of new high school and ...

  5. 3D Printing

    technology. Below are a number or resources that might be useful:   Resource for 3D Printing: 3D Printing ... Resource 3D Printing in Education Resource 3D Printing Policy  Guidelines The Factulty currently has two ... printing: beyond the exceptions, prints will be on a cost recovery basis for the current best price of ...

  6. Printing Information

    Student Follow-You Printing/Copying with Bridge Bucks The only way to print on Campus for sudents ... is to use Bridge Bucks. You simply send your print job to the Follow-You "Campus" print ... campus, and select the document to print. To Copy, just swipe your U of L ID card and follow the ...

  7. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2014-2015 to 2016-2017

    ............................................................................................................................................................................ 38 PLAN FOR FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY ... 38.8%) of Lethbridge Region3 high school students do not transition to post-secondary within six years of ... academic actions that support the Strategic Plan. Strategic Research Plan 2012-2017 — This document, which ...

  8. 3D Printing Policy

    use. The following represents the guidelines for printing: beyond the exceptions, prints will be on ... a cost recovery basis for the current best price of filament (e.g. current cost is $30.00/Kg) 3D prints ... the number of prints for each semester may be limited Faculty and staff can print for free with ...

  9. Follow-You Printing

    Upload files using the new PrinterOn web-based printing application and release them on any ... compatible Ricoh device! PrinterOn User - Printing On Campus: A How to Guide Access PrinterOn web-based ... printing by clicking this link Wireless Printing On Campus Can not be accessed using ...

  10. Custom Print Course Materials

    (OER), print on demand. Guidelines for Producing Custom Print Course Materials (rev April 2021).pdf Your ... Custom Print Course Materials will be printed on campus by U of L Printing Services. Please fill out the ... Printing Instruction Details and submit any hardcopy material to the U of L Bookstore. ...