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  1. Phase 1

    I makes provisions for a University Centre; 38,800 gross square metres (gsm) of academic expansion in ... Valley Road. New space for Printing, Materials Management and Facilities departments should be located in ...

  2. Thesis/Project Submission Regulations

    page. If you intend to bind your manuscript, margins must be as follows: Left margin: 3.8 centimeters ... Make sure there is no password protection on the PDF Ensure that security settings allow printing ... therefore, the burden of how the document looks when it is accessed or printed is entirely the responsibility ...

  3. Scrapping long census could prove costly- Expert

    Saturday, July 10, 2010 Printed with the permission of the Lethbridge Herald- writer Sherri ...

  4. Course Catalogue

    parentheses for subjects included in the Calendar's course listings. The courses are arranged in ... withdraw any course or courses without notice. Course Descriptions for previous calendar years can be found ... in the the Courses section of the applicable Academic Calendar. Course Catalogue (2024/2025) Course ...

  5. Pre-Professional Programs

    consult the University of Lethbridge Academic Calendar. Please visit the section of the University ... Academic Calendar pertaining to Pre-Professional Transfer Programs. The information in the University of ... Lethbridge Academic Calendar is the final authority on all questions regarding program requirements and ...

  6. Course Descriptions & Information

    descriptions and prerequisite requirements for all English courses are available in the Academic Calendar ... withdraw. Students are therefore advised to view the complete course description in the Academic Calendar ...

  7. e-Books

    provide students with additional online learning tools. Codes may be pre-packaged with the printed text ... printed access codes are available via our e-commerce and physical bookstore.             There are still ... a handful of publishers that prefer to sell access codes printed on a physical card.  Please note: If ...

  8. Modern Languages & Linguistics Film Series

    "Crime" Fall 2017 "Let's Eat" Spring 2017 "Escape" Fall 2016 "Escape" ...

  9. Information for New Graduate Students

    you will receive a CS account--> this is different from the Uleth e-mail account from IT. Printing ... Each incoming graduate student receives a printing credit of $50. This is a one-time gift from the ... printing. If not, you will be responsible for your own printing costs while you finish your degree. ...

  10. ADCS Course Sequencing Guides

    on the program requirements in the 2023/24 academic calendar. See  for all ... other calendar year PPGs. Your calendar year will be the year of your most recent admission to ... a program taking longer to complete.  4 year sequencing plan Based on the 2023/2024 Calendar year  Students ...