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  1. Overview of Spring 2017 Events

    Below is an overview of Sping 2017 events.  ...

  2. Overview of Spring 2017 Events

    Below is an overview of Sping 2017 events.  ...

  3. I-CYS Symposium: At the Intersections of Childhood 2017

    Childhood 2017: Digital, Indigenous, and Youth Issues can be found below. See more images from the Symposium ... here!   View all of our #icys2017 tweets here!     Return to the  main symposium page.  ...

  4. Supplementary Schedules (Unaudited) 2017

    Supplementary Schedules To 2016/2017 Financial Statements The foregoing statements are covered by ...

  5. Alumni Needs Assessment 2017

    institution’s history. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2017 Alumni Needs Survey or took part in ... one of our alumni focus groups.  Click here to view the 2017 Alumni Needs Assessment Report The ...

  6. 2017- Dr. Lewis Kay

    Canada Gairdner International Award  recipient  Dr. Lewis Kay. Dr. Kay was awarded the 2017 Canada ... Biochemistry on October 20, 2017. The Symposium will begin with Dr. Lewis Kay's keynote lecture titled: ... 19th, 2017 The Work: Professor Kay and his coworkers have made important contributions to the field of ...

  7. 2017- Dr. Lewis Kay

    Canada Gairdner International Award  recipient  Dr. Lewis Kay. Dr. Kay was awarded the 2017 Canada ... Biochemistry on October 20, 2017. The Symposium will begin with Dr. Lewis Kay's keynote lecture titled: ... 19th, 2017 The Work: Professor Kay and his coworkers have made important contributions to the field of ...

  8. 2017/2018

        2017/2018 Shining Students Amanda Weiler | Neuroscience (Co-op) ADVENTUROUS. PASSIONATE. ...

  9. Dr. Heather Phipps (2017)

    the University of Regina. In May 2017, I visited the Institute for Child and Youth Studies at the ...

  10. 2017 I-CYS Symposium Poster Awards

    Intersections of Childhood 2017: Digital, Indigenous, and Youth Issues.  Best Poster, Graduate Category: Ashley ...