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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. Registering for Classes

    schedule looks correct. You may want to print your schedule and keep a copy to use for reference. You may ...

  2. Career Fairs

    representatives. Over 1200 printed brochures showcasing your logo and location in the Career Fair Unlimited job ...

  3. Poetry

    plan with detailed resources and assessment rubrics. Also includes a calendar and ideas for extension ...

  4. Academic Culture

    track of them on a calendar Always attend your classes and complete the required readings in advance of ...

  5. April 27- 2021

    stakeholders and the calendar/program and requires continual attention.  Faculty Council approves handbook ...

  6. Worth a Shot contest rules

    Lethbridge email address and given 3 calendar days to provide official proof of their COVID19 vaccination to ...

  7. FAQ's

    Lethbridge  Undergraduate Academic Calendar  for more information on which courses are eligible for ...

  8. Courses for Academic Writing

    U of L Calendar.   Undergraduate Studies Writing 1000: An Introduction to Academic Writing Credit ...

  9. Post-Secondary Admission Route

    Undergraduate Calendar for more detail on College Diploma admission. Previous Degree General Admission ...

  10. Application & Tuition Fees

    a soon-to-be "active student". According to uLethbridge's Academic Calendars, the corresponding ...