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  1. Dr. Kristine Alexander

    History, 1840-1950, edited by Kristine Moruzi & Michelle Smith (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 ...

  2. Postdoctoral Fellows

    congratulations to our 2014-2017 postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Erin Spring. Dr. Spring, whose fellowship was ...

  3. RFP-Qu Detailed Information

    KB) CIP_2011to 2014-1.pdf (568.66 KB) Campus Space Report: Accommodating Growth to 2018 (31.8 MB) ...

  4. Jon H. Kaas

    the George A. Miller Award from the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in 2014. Enjoy Dr. Kaas's talk ...

  5. Austin Mardon

    in 2014, he was elected into the Royal Society of Canada, the pre-eminent academic society of Canada. ...

  6. Last Lecture- Adam Letourneau, QC

    (governor) of the Law Society of Alberta in 2011 and from 2014 to 2018. He has served as a director and as ...

  7. Dr. Kristine Alexander

    History, 1840-1950, edited by Kristine Moruzi & Michelle Smith (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 ...

  8. Postdoctoral Fellows

    congratulations to our 2014-2017 postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Erin Spring. Dr. Spring, whose fellowship was ...

  9. Speaker Medal

    2014 Sergio Pellis Neuroscience 2013 Cynthia Chambers Education 2012 Joseph Rasmussen Biological ...

  10. Academic Calendars

    Calendar 2018 / 2019 Calendar 2017 / 2018 Calendar 2016 / 2017 Calendar 2015 / 2016 Calendar 2014 / 2015 ... Calendar 2013 / 2014 Calendar 2012 / 2013 Calendar 2011 / 2012 Calendar 2010 / 2011 Calendar Graduate ... / 2020 Calendar 2018 / 2019 Calendar 2017 / 2018 Calendar 2016 / 2017 Calendar 2015 / 2016 Calendar 2014 ...