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  1. Current Student

    Various deadline depending on when you travel Indigenous Awards- Various deadlines The Scholarships and ...

  2. Dr. Lianne Leddy

    of Serpent River First Nation. Her research focuses on Indigenous history in what is now Canada, with ...

  3. Wellness Resources

    Line: 403-327-7905-Mental Health Helpline (Available in 200+ languages): 1-877-303-2642-Indigenous Hope for ...

  4. September

    GFC Approved Minutes_Sept 8 2014.pdf Department General Faculties Council Document Type Council ... Meeting Minutes Year 2014 Month September GFC Approved Minutes_Sept 8 2014.pdf GENERAL FACULTIES COUNCIL ... MEETING #495 Approved Minutes Monday, September 8, 2014 3:00 p.m. in W646 Present: M. Mahon (Chair), A. ...

  5. Current Students

    time. All of these events will be posted on the Events Calendar and on the Department Twitter Page ...

  6. Brenda Milner Lecture Series

    About BMLS The Brenda Milner Lecture Series (BMLS) is an annual event in honour of Brenda Milner, ... other events hosted in their honour. For more information: Current Lecture Past Speakers Donors Sponsors ...

  7. Student Hub / Student Life

    formal site of orientation and some SU events. However, most events are thrown outside of the SUB and the ...

  8. Living

    property, and during all On-Campus Housing-related events, even if these events take place outside Residence ...

  9. SPIRE ICC Post-Ops Meeting Agenda

    Day 1 19:00 Relaxing Social Event Wednesday February 17, 2016 | Room B716 09:00 Welcome Trevor 09:15 ... Team Splinters   15:00 Coffee   15:30 Team Splinters/Discussion   19:00 Social Event Lethbridge ...

  10. 2010-11 Fees and Rates

    University Hall 40.00 4% 42.00 4% 44.00 4% 46.00 4% 48.00 Recital Hall 40.00 4% 42.00 4% 44.00 4% 46.00 4% ... 39.30 6% 41.66 6% 44.16 6% 46.81 Utilities 6% 6% 6% 6% Trade 38.10 6% 40.39 6% 42.81 6% 45.38 6% 48.10 ... 5.00/mo 0% 5.00/mo 0% 5.00/mo Monthly-M, N 37.00 6% 40.00 6% 42.00 6% 44.00 6% 46.00 Monthly-C, E and ...