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  1. Reports

    Annual Reports Annual Report to Alberta Advanced Education 2014-2015   Annual Report to Alberta ... Advanced Education 2013-2014   Annual Report to Alberta Advanced Education 2012-2013 Annual Report to ... Advanced Education 2002-2003 Budgets 2016-17- Budget 2015-16- Budget 2014-15- Budget 2013-14- Budget ...

  2. PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. Patrick Wilson

    Indigenous Territories and the Rights of Nature in Amazonian Ecuador Dr. Patrick Wilson, ... changes, inscribed new rights of nature and extended rights for indigenous peoples. These two sets of new ... rights converge around the creation of Indigenous Territorial Circumcriptions (CTIs), a new form of ...

  3. Teaching Research Profiles

    conversations about indigenization and decolonization in the classroom. Her work on Bridging Cultures is of ... Hogue, M. & Day Chief, V. (2014).  Aboriginal Science Through Theatre.  Napi and the Rock – Opening ... Additions Reactions   Hogue, M. & Bartlett (2014 ...

  4. 2015-2016 Budget

    grant. Campus Alberta Grant $99,217,596 65% Other Government Grants $4,096,074 3% Fee Revenue $42 ... and Fees Revenues 42,031,554 42,646,796 42,384,072 43,381,434 42,726,988 Other Revenues Government of ... 2,009-- 3,650 5,659 5,659 5,659 Student tuition and fees 42,727--- 42,727 44,501 44,525 Sales of services ...

  5. Young Alumni Award

    International Lethbridge, she organized events and fundraisers to bring attention to local and global human ... a non-profit dedicated to Indigenous children and families in southern Alberta. She helped build a digital ... storytelling library with a team of Indigenous and settler high school and undergraduate students and built ...

  6. Moving forward in a good way, EleV Navigator Team given Blackfoot name

    manager of strategic Indigenous learning initiatives, says the ceremony carries great significance in ... the Mastercard Foundation established to create educational opportunities for Indigenous youth and ... to guide Indigenous learners along their education and career pathways. “Grounded in our Indigenous ...

  7. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2015-2016 to 2017- 2018

    ..................................................................................................................................... 42 8.0 INTERNATIONALIZATION ... enrolments since 2004 in U of L programs offered in Edmonton. On December 11, 2014, the University’s Board of ... y D o cu m e n ts Government of Alberta Strategic Plan, 2014–17 Innovation and Advanced Education Business ...

  8. 2015-16 Budget Updates

    Mahon's message about budget process and budget challenges December 16, 2014: Budget Process Update from ... Vice President Walker December 2014:  Open Mike column about potential budget challenges ...

  9. PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. Leroy Little Bear

    Department of Indigenous Studies Photo credit: The Alberta Order of Excellence According to some figures by ... border in 2014. Little Bear was inducted into the Alberta Order Excellence and the Order of Canada in ...

  10. Is the Math Sufficient? Aging Workforce and the Future Labour Market in Canada

    Dr. Susan A. McDaniel 2014 KnowledgeSynthesis full report--McDaniel Watt-Malcolm Wong.pdf ... KnowledgeSynthesisKey Messages_French version_March 18-2014.pdf KnowledgeSynthesis full report--McDaniel Watt-Malcolm ... Wong.pdf KnowledgeSynthesisKey Messages_French version_March 18-2014.pdf ...