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  1. Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

    View more stories View more events Career Bridge: Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career ... CONNECTED Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook ...

  2. Department of Neuroscience (CCBN)

    discovered her … Read more View more news View more stories View more events Career Bridge: Centre for ... up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter  ...

  3. Department of Physics & Astronomy

    and their … Read more View more news View more stories View more events Career Bridge: Centre for ... up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter  ...

  4. Department of Psychology

    culminating … Read more View more news View more stories View more events Career Bridge: Centre for ... up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter  ...

  5. Department of Women & Gender Studies

    finishing her master's thesis for her … Read more View more news View more stories View more events ... social media to keep up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter ...

  6. Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

    hopes will be used to make … Read more View more news View more stories View more events Career Bridge: ... up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter ...

  7. 2SLGBTQ+ Resources

    Support Manual for Indigiqueer, Two-Spirit, LGBTQ+ and Gender Non-Conforming Indigenous youth Educational ... a person who has both a masculine and a feminine spirit, and is used in some indigenous cultures to ...

  8. Career Bridge

    reviews and other workshop and events to grow your professional skills. Alumni Login Portal, Programs and ...

  9. Centre for the Study of Scholarly Communication

    publishing, including participating in annual Open Access Week events every October University of Lethbridge ...

  10. Department of Biological Sciences

    their expertise on pollinators. Read more View more news View more stories View more events Career ... media to keep up with the latest news, notices and events! Instagram Facebook    Twitter ...