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  1. EleV

    EleV: Taking flight together Building educational and employment pathways for Indigenous youth ... Helping additional Blackfoot and Indigenous students attend ULethbridge through the Indigenous Student ... along their education and career pathways. Grounded in Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning (IWKL), ...

  2. Studying at ULethbridge (Iniskim)

    Experience and Support Indigenous Programming Did you know? 99 Indigenous students crossed the stage during ...

  3. Major Requirements for Admission

    Music Indigenous Ed Physical Education Science Social Studies ...

  4. ISSC

    Indigenous Student Success Certificate How to apply    Contact us Together, we'll build your ... Explore the Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC) at the University of Lethbridge! Rooted in ... Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning (IWKL), the ISSC helps Indigenous students gain the academic skills ...

  5. Guest Speakers

    CA (Institute for Oral History, Baylor University) Learn More Conversation About Indigenous Oral ...

  6. ULethbridge in Calgary Student Services

    (via Bow Valley College) Sexual-violence support Iikaisskini Indigenous Student Services Connects all ... self-identified Indigenous students at ULethbridge to academic, cultural, financial, health and well-being ... resources. Iikaisskini Indigenous Student Services Explore Downtown Calgary Downtown Calgary: A vibrant blend ...

  7. Resources

    More Learn more Indigenous Student Affairs Are you looking for a university where First Nations culture ... fractured. In their committed and dedicated effort to reunite students with Indigenous identity and culture ... Rider, have developed Native Paradigm to articulate key components of Indigenous worldview.  Native ...

  8. Resources

    number is L1010. Show More Learn more Indigenous Student Affairs at Iikaisskini Gathering Place Are you ... students with Indigenous identity and culture within an academic setting, Blackfoot scholars, Dr. Leroy ... components of Indigenous worldview.  Native Paradigm is way of being that encompasses both conscious and ...

  9. Resources

    More Learn more Indigenous Student Affairs at Iikaisskini Gathering Place Are you looking for ... Paradigm/worldview has been fractured. In their committed and dedicated effort to reunite students with Indigenous ... partner Amethyst First Rider, have developed Native Paradigm to articulate key components of Indigenous ...

  10. Resources

    Library. Our room number is L1010. Show More Learn more Indigenous Student Affairs at Iikaisskini Gathering ... effort to reunite students with Indigenous identity and culture within an academic setting, Blackfoot ... articulate key components of Indigenous worldview.  Native Paradigm is way of being that encompasses both ...