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  1. Reports

    Discipline 2014-2015 Student Discipline 2013-2014 Student Discipline 2012-2013 Student Discipline 2011-2012 ...

  2. Reports

    Travel 2017-2018 Travel 2016-2017 Travel 2015-2016 Travel 2014-2015 Travel 2013-2014 Travel ...

  3. COHT Digital Archive

    COHT Fall 2014 Speaker Series COHT Roundtable, Oral History Ethics, Consent, Responsibilities and ... Obligations COHT Spring Speaker's Series 2014 Legal Poster COHT Brochure Laurie Mercier Invitation ...

  4. Prentice Institute Policies and Procedures

    meetings shall be recorded and shared among all members of the council.   4.2  Officers 4.2.1. Director ... Director votes on the SC in the event of a tied vote on any decision. Appendix B outlines the roles and ...


    Ribbon cutting at the Grand Opening of the LEE SCALE-UP Room AH177 on Sep 26th, 2014. From right: ... article published in the 2014/2015 Teaching Centre magazine A Light on Teaching: So What Exactly Is ... Lethbridge, A SCALE-UP room was built in the summer of 2014. To build this room, an existing Anderson Hall ...

  6. Meeting Notes

    28 Apr 8 Apr 27 Oct 3 Nov 28 2012 Feb 27 Apr 30 Oct 1 Nov 26 2013 Feb 25 Apr 29 2014 Oct 10 Dec ...

  7. Teaching Centre Magazine

    2015-16 Issue A Light on Teaching 2014-15 Issue A Light on Teaching 2013-14 Issue ...

  8. Athanasios Zovoilis

    10.1016/j.cell.2016.11.041  (IF: 28.710) 2014 Zovoilis, A., Mungall, A.J., Moore, R., Varhol, R., Chu, A., Wong, T., Marra, ... M., and Jones, S.J.M. (2014) The expression level of small non‐coding RNAs derived from the first exon ...

  9. Student Awards

    (Roussel Undergraduate Student) 2014- Jenna Friedt (Kothe Graduate Student) – 2014 School of Graduate ... Studies Medal of Merit (Master of Science) John Stimson (Russell Undergraduate Student) 2014 Silver Medal ... (University of Lethbridge) Alvin Lee (Russell Group) 1st Place- April 2014 2nd Place- December 2014 Scott ...

  10. Student Awards

    (Roussel Undergraduate Student) 2014- Jenna Friedt (Kothe Graduate Student) – 2014 School of Graduate ... Studies Medal of Merit (Master of Science) John Stimson (Russell Undergraduate Student) 2014 Silver Medal ... (University of Lethbridge) Alvin Lee (Russell Group) 1st Place- April 2014 2nd Place- December 2014 Scott ...