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  1. History of Iikaisskini

    Iikaisskini Indigenous Services and the Iikaisskini Gathering Centre are named in honour of Dr. Leroy Little ... Iniskim, the University of Lethbridge. Dr. Little Bear champions Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being ... (IWKB) and continues to advance Indigenous knowledge in higher education. Dr. Little Bear's work ...

  2. CIHR funded Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) planning workshop

    Thursday, March 13, 2014 (All day)- Friday, March 14, 2014 (All day) Prentice Institute Affiliate ... System Improvement (PHSI) planning workshop on March 13-14, 2014. It is hosted at the University of ...

  3. The Centre Library

    all right. Maclean's.114: 42-48. Brandt, D. (2001). Literacy in American lives. New York, ... ordinary classroom events hide often overlooked intimate relationships, and show how these relationships ... new book, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas shows how most indigenous and minority education contribues to ...

  4. WDCAG 2021

    event page where you will be able to access additional information and links to the conference events ... “crises”- e.g. pandemic, climate change, political and social unrest, economic downturns, etc. Indigenous ... This session is for researchers who want to privilege Indigenous perspectives in geography and ...

  5. Yvonne Tiger

      Visit the Facebook Event Page   Add to Calendar     Last Lecture 2021- Yvonne Tiger- "Indigenous ... Lecture topic: Indigenous Trailblazing: Doing it My Way    Yvonne N. Tiger is from the Cherokee, ... Thought Program at the University of Lethbridge, housed in Indigenous Studies. A first-generation Native ...

  6. Ashley Henrickson | History

    Events! Favourite Study Spot: Study Cubbies in the Library My uLethbridge experience: Chinook Summer ... Research Award Recipient 2014 and 2015 Research Assistant (History) Summer 2016, Fall 2014 Exhibitor at ...

  7. Clone of PIMS Distinguished Speakers

    Fellowships, and individual events on a competitive basis. Contact:  Habiba Kadiri  ( ... Nov 09- Vladimir Troitsky, University of Alberta 2014 2014 Feb & Mar- Olivier Ramare, ... CNRS/Universite de Lille 1 2014 Apr 11- Brendan Pass, University of Alberta 2014 May- Minhyong Kim, Oxford ...

  8. Celebrating our 1st 50 Years

    Science, who came to the university in January 2014. Week #42- Friday, October 27, 2017 Since the ... discoveries. The first 3MT competition held at uLethbridge was in 2014 as part of the Graduate Students’ ... Tabletop Navigation Task.   Week #44- Friday, November 10, 2017 The Indigenous Students’ U nion  (ISU) is ...

  9. Call for Undergraduate and Graduate Student Posters! (now closed)

    1st Annual I-CYS Symposium At the Intersections of Childhood 2017: Digital, Indigenous, Youth ... Childhood Symposium on the intersections of digital, Indigenous, and youth issues on Saturday, April 1, ... discussion regarding the intersection of these three issues.   The event will consist of a keynote lecture by ...

  10. Registration Supports

    uLethbridge students international experiences and opportunities. In addition to on-campus events and ... internships. For more information visit the International Centre. Indigenous Student Centre at Iikaisskini The ... Indigenous Student Centre at Iikaisskini offers free, confidential service for those students who ...