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  1. Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Synthesis science and collaborative networks in Canada- career impacts and gender equity

    marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. ...

  2. Call for Submissions- Acadia University Social and Politcal Thought Graduate Conference

    humanities Catastrophe The politics of space Indigenous thought LGBTQ2S+ Deep Ecology Marx and Marxism ...

  3. Business Analyst Co-Op Student

    Resource Management & Labour Relations Indigenous Governance and Business Management International ...

  4. Anthropology (MA)

    anthropology; race, ethnicity and indigeneity; anthropology of childhood; psychological anthropology; medical ...

  5. nserc_usra_-_university_of_lethbridge_2021_-_summer_term.pdf

    Lethbridge NSERC USRA Last updated: January 4 2021 6 Incentive for Indigenous students Any qualified ... Indigenous student who meets the program's eligibility criteria and is recommended for a USRA will not ... themselves as Indigenous when applying for a USRA are asked to do so on Form 202 Part I and should be able to application/pdf attached to:Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

  6. Enabling Accessibility Fund | Early Learning and Child Care

    child care organizations child care organizations run by municipalities Indigenous child care ...

  7. Persons Case Award

    a graduate program in Alberta or elsewhere Indigenous students, racialized students and students living with ...

  8. Agricultural Methane Reduction Challenge

    Canada; Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) individuals, organizations or groups of individuals ...

  9. Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies Museum Studies Internship

    senior level undergraduate students enrolled in either the B.F.A. – Indigenous Art (AHMS) or the B.F.A. ...

  10. Art (MFA)

    context with faculty who are active artists and scholars. Indigenous knowledge and cultural perspectives ...