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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. Previous Events (sumaries & media) 2016-2017

    Events previously held by the Centre for Culture and Community with related information, media, ...

  2. Black History Month- International Centre Events

    a full month of events to honor Black History Month, and the International Centre is hosting a student ...

  3. Workshops and Events

    Spark Teaching Symposium This annual event is held at the end of the spring semester(late April or ... Talking About Teaching A discussion event for faculty and staff. The topics discussed are related to hot ...

  4. Overview of Spring 2018 Events

    Spring 2018 Events Stay tuned for the Spring 2018 Event Poster. January Discussions Across ... event poster:  I-CYS Discussions Visual Methods Jan12.pdf February Workshop: How to Make an Academic ... mirela +ambeskovic View the event poster here:  ICYS Transgenerational Stress.pdf Discussions ...

  5. Overview of Spring 2018 Events

    Spring 2018 Events Stay tuned for the Spring 2018 Event Poster. January Discussions Across ... event poster:  I-CYS Discussions Visual Methods Jan12.pdf February Workshop: How to Make an Academic ... mirela +ambeskovic View the event poster here:  ICYS Transgenerational Stress.pdf Discussions ...

  6. Olympic Gold Medalist Adam Kreek Guest Speaker for October 12 Faculty of Education- 45th Anniversary Event

    Education Seminar Series (RESS). The event will take place: Friday, October 12 4:30 – 6 p.m. PE275 RSVP ...   The event is open to both U of L community and the public, and is free of charge. Brought to you ...

  7. Events and Conferences


  8. Past Events, Sumaries, Links, Media.

    test.  My last page disapeared without a trace after I saved it. ...

  9. Events Photos


  10. Events

    Workshops: The AMETHYST Program includes two separate types of workshop to assist trainees with research training objectives and the clarification of their specific career goals. The workshops will be based on a philosophy of “blended learning” whereby st ...