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  1. Research for Department of Indigenous Studies

    The Linguistic History of Dene Languages Dr. Conor Snoek Learn more Using Indigenous Principles to ... Research & Areas of Interest Include: Indigenous Self-Government Treaties & Indigenous Law Global ... Indigenous Activism Decolonization & Settler-Colonialism Indigenous Health Indigenous STE(A)M Land-based ...

  2. Indigenous Education Requirements

    Indigenous Education Requirements If You Already Have a Degree If you wish to enter the Faculty of ... Education with a major in Indigenous Education, you must possess a recognized degree which includes a major ... in Indigenous Studies. In addition, all other prerequisites for admission must be met. At the time of ...

  3. Iniskim Indigenous Alumni Chapter

    Welcome Indigenous Alumni! In traditional times the Buffalo was the staff of life. In modern times ... The Iniskim Indigenous Alumni Chapter selected the silhouette of a Buffalo to represent the Chapter on ... its membership pin. Our Vision The Iniskim Indigenous  Alumni Chapter's mission is to renew, ...

  4. About Iikaisskini Indigenous Services

    About Iikaisskini Indigenous Services Oki! We connect all self-identified Indigenous ULethbridge ...

  5. Indigenous Advisory Circle

    Faculty of Health Sciences Indigenous Advisory Circle The Faculty of Health Sciences established ... an Indigenous Advisory Circle in January, 2020. As a Faculty, we are committed to growing and ... nurturing relationships with Indigenous communities in Southern Alberta. We are also committed to moving ...

  6. Using Indigenous Principles to Address Lateral Violence in the Workplace: Cree literature, Wetiko legal principles, and Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety

    Health and Safety policies for workplaces with mixed Indigenous, settler, and new immigrant staff. ... study of power dynamics and colonial-Indigenous relationships (Bartlett, Marshall & Marshall, 2012; ... literature ” [Paper presentation]. Indigenous Literary Studies Association conference, virtual.   ...

  7. Contact Iniskim Indigenous Alumni Chapter

    ULAA Iniskim Indigenous Chapter c/o Alumni Relations University of Lethbridge A735D, 4401 ...

  8. Indigenous Students

    Indigenous Awards There are some awards that are specific to the Indigenous students. Please refer ... to this document for further details. All Indigenous students are also eligible and encouraged to ... be sure to answer the questions regarding Indigenous status on your scholarship application. You may ...

  9. Centre for Oral History and Tradition Indigenous Student Summer Institute Award

    The Centre for Oral History and Tradition Indigenous Student Summer Institute Award supports ... 2022 COHT Oral History Summer Institute (one award will be to cover tuition for a U of L Indigenous ... student taking the course for credit and the other to cover tuition for an Indigenous community member ...

  10. Indigenous Awards

    Indigenous Awards The University of Lethbridge has a variety of scholarships and awards available ... have a number of scholarships and awards specifically for Indigenous students. Some are general awards ... while others are designated for Indigenous students in a specific faculty or program. Many awards go ...