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  1. Director's Message 2014-2015

    I wish you the best in the 2014-15 academic year. David Hinger ...

  2. Program Planning Guides (2013 / 2014)

    Engineering (UofA)- No 2013/2014 intake Journalism (UofR) Law (UofA) Law (UofC) Medicine (UofA) Medicine ...



  4. 2014.01.29 COHT Disability, Sexuality, and Family in Alberta- Report | Dr. Claudia Malacrida

    by Sheree Hartung On behalf of the University of Lethbridge’s Center for Oral History and Tradition, sociology professor Dr. Claudia Malacrida’s presented her research on Disability, Sexuality, and Family in Alberta. Over the past fifteen years, Malacrida ...

  5. Literature Fair 2014

    Session Schedule and Map » Literature Fair Session Schedule (pdf) » Curriculum Laboratory Map (pdf) Session Descriptions and Book Lists » Literature Fair Session Descriptions (pdf) Beres, Cory: Enriching Mathematics With Literature (pdf) In this session, ...

  6. Meeting Notes- Oct 10 2014

    Agenda Legend: Assignment: highlight indcates assignment Recommendations: italics Reports Chair (Marlo): reviewed technologies that were being explored- VR, Flipgrid, MindMeister, SendItToMe, 3D printing texting initiatives in the Faculty (Faculy level- D ...

  7. Fall 2014: Schedule of Convocation Day

    8 a.m. Regalia pick up Theatre Foyer Level 5 | University Centre for the Arts 8 a.m. Graduand assembly Level 6 Hallway | University Hall 9 a.m. Gymnasium opens for guest seating Level 2 Gymnasium Entrance | 1st Choice Savings Centre 9:45 a.m. Deadline for ...

  8. WHIS&T 2014

    under construction ...

  9. Program Planning Guides (2014 / 2015)

    Arts and Science Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Agricultural Studies Anthropology Archaeology and Geography Art Canadian Studies Dramatic Arts Economics English French French/Spanish General Major in the Humanities General Major in the Social Sciences Geography ...

  10. January 2014 Rush Hours
