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  1. Miguel Nicolelis

    publications, and holds three US patents. Enjoy Dr. Nicolelis's talk from the 2012 TEDMED conference below: ...

  2. Jon H. Kaas

    from the 2012 National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium below: Jon H. Kaas ...

  3. Thursday, May 6, 2021

    history of education. In 2012, she authored Democracy’s Angels: The Work of Women Teachers. The Canadian ...

  4. Former Board Chair- Gordon E. Jong, FCA

    University of Lethbridge Board of Governors (2006 to 2012) and a 2004 U of L Alumni Honour Society Inductee. ...

  5. Dr. Kristine Alexander

    Texts, Cultures (Summer 2012): 132-144. Reprinted in The Difference Kids Make: Bringing Children and ...

  6. Academic Quality Assurance Committee

    Committee developed in 2004 and revised in 2012: the Academic Quality Assurance Policy & Process. ...

  7. Speaker Medal

    2014 Sergio Pellis Neuroscience 2013 Cynthia Chambers Education 2012 Joseph Rasmussen Biological ...

  8. Academic Calendars

    Calendar 2013 / 2014 Calendar 2012 / 2013 Calendar 2011 / 2012 Calendar 2010 / 2011 Calendar Graduate ... / 2015 Calendar 2013 / 2014 Calendar 2012 / 2013 Calendar 2011 / 2012 Calendar 2010 / 2011 Calendar The ...

  9. Public Disclosure of Expenses

    reporting period starting October 2012. This disclosure aligns with the Government of Alberta guidelines and ...

  10. Meet the Members

    MacDonald Previous Director (2012-2017) Learn more Dr. Jamie MacKenzie Current COHT Research Member Learn ...