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  1. Constantine Passaris, Prentice Research Affiliate to Visit Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland.

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Prentice Research Affiliate, Constantine Passaris (Economics, ... University of New Brunswick) will be Visiting Professor for the month of March 2012, School of Politics, ...

  2. Global Ageing: Going Forward

    Dr. Susan A. McDaniel 2012 McDaniel, Susan A. & Zachary Zimmer. 2012. ``Global Ageing: Going ...

  3. Global Ageing: An Introduction

    Dr. Susan A. McDaniel 2012 Zachary Zimmer & Susan A. McDaniel. 2012. ``Global Ageing: An ...

  4. 9th Annual IMISCOE Conference- "Ageing Migrants: Demography, Agency and Welfare", and "ICT and Migration"

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012 (All day) Ageing migrants: demography, agency and welfare’ and ‘ICT and ... Migration’ to take place at the IMISCOE annual conference in Amsterdam on 29 August 2012. See call for papers ...

  5. Tuition Isn't the Problem- Dr. R. Mueller, Prentice Research Affiliate

    Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Dr. Richard Mueller and co-author Dr. Ross Finnie published an article in ... the Toronto Globe and Mail on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, entitled Tuition Isn't the Problem. ...

  6. Fathers are Ever More Deeply Engaged in Child Rearing- National Post Article

    Saturday, June 16, 2012 An article by Sarah Boesveld is available online: http ... :// ...

  7. Issues and Challenges in Alberta Water Policy Lecture Online

    Monday, October 1, 2012 Henning Bjornlund's lecture given as part of The Prentice Institute ... date: 21 September 2012 ...

  8. Use of Space Priorities

    Office and have the highest priority Student Services Functions Student orientation Recruitment events ... Student welcoming events Convocation Campusfest U of L Career Conferences International Dinner Board of ... and tours by dignitaries Official openings and ceremonies Athletic Events Pronhorn Athletic games ...

  9. Personal and Professional Development

    on Linked Learning and include on online profile or resume  EventBrite   Online or in-person events ... Lethbridge and Calgary Community Events –  Lethbridge, Alberta Events Calendar: Lethbridge Events Calendar ... Events | Tourism Calgary ( Event calendar for communities that may highlight community ...

  10. Rhonda Aos

    Canadian HR Awards. Sessional Lecturer Rhonda Aos ...