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  1. Agility Events Calendar


  2. Events Calendar


  3. Department Events

    Modern Languages & Linguistics Film Series Learn more Modern Languages & Linguistics Speaker Series Learn more Outstanding Student Awards (OSA) Learn more What Does It Mean To Be A Swiss French-Speaking Author In 2024? Learn More La teoría del tod ...

  4. Prentice Post Spring 2012 Volume 2, Issue 1- Released

    Thursday, June 14, 2012 The Spring 2012 Prentice Post Newsletter can be accessed here: ... PrenticePostVol2issue1Spring2012.pdf. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact ... PrenticePostVol2issue1Spring2012.pdf ...

  5. Canadian Families 2012: Stretched and Pressed

    Dr. Susan A. McDaniel 2012 Opening Keynote address, National Judicial Institute on Family Law, ... Toronto, February 2012. ...

  6. Net 2012: Network Models in Statistics, Economics and Social Sciences Conference

    Thursday, November 8, 2012 (All day)- Friday, November 9, 2012 (All day) Net.2012 is an ...

  7. Call for Abstracts for Net 2012: Network Models in Statistics, Economics and Social Sciences

    Wednesday, May 9, 2012 Friday, October 12, 2012 There is a call for papers for an International ... Conference hosted by the Faculty of Sociology, Trento, Italy, to be held November 8- 9, 2012.  Please see the ...

  8. 2012 SSHRC Grants to Several Prentice Institute Research Affiliates

    Tuesday, May 29, 2012 The SSHRC has recently announced 2012 grant recipients.  Congratulations to ... the following Research Affiliates: 2012 Partnership Grants Co-Applicants: Henning Bjornlund, ... (through Brock University) 2012 Partnership Grants Collaborators Glenda Bonifacio, Women and Gender ...

  9. Prentice Brownbag Session #4- Spring 2012- Why Do So Many Immigrants and Their Children Attend University? Some More Evidence for Canada

    Friday, March 30, 2012- 00:00- 17:00 Friday, March 30, 2012- 12:00- 13:30 Presenter: Dr. Richard ...

  10. 2012 Beulah Salt Conference- Choices and Innovations: What Do Seniors Want?

    Thursday, June 21, 2012 (All day)- Friday, June 22, 2012 (All day) The 2012 Beulah Salt Conference ... in the 2012_BeulahSalt_poster.pdf. The registration form is attached: ... 2012_BeulahSalt_registration.pdf 2012_BeulahSalt_poster.pdf 2012_BeulahSalt_registration.pdf ...