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  1. 2016-2020 Capital Plan

    ............................................................................................................................................. 17  4.6  Information Technology ... 42,400,000$ 42,824,000$ 44,520,000$ 44,562,826$ 54,114,338$ 46,835,978$ 69,065,132$ Total Capital Cost ... Plan April 2016 18 4.6 Information Technology The University of Lethbridge continues to invest in ...

  2. April 2013

    instrumental in the whole event taking shape. A. Hakin, along with his family, led the science-related ... collaborate with various Mexican institutions regarding indigenous education practices. • The Meet Mike event ... of events that many of us take part in over the course of the year. Our intent is to provide ...

  3. University of Lethbridge Alumni Association announces its 2016 award winners

    profession, serving as a board member of the B.C. Law Institute and acting as the Chair from 2007 to 2012. He ... sponsored events, and working with Faculty’s external stakeholders. His genuine interest in using U of ... recognized by JDC West as the Advisor of the Year in 2013 and received the Friends of MSS award in 2012 ...

  4. University of Lethbridge alumnus Manwar Khan to hold Anti-Bullying Rally for victims of bullying and violence

    December 2012. It led to the death of one man and the incarceration of another. Khan invites everyone to ... established a series of anti-bullying rallies in 2013 and 2014, holding events in Edmonton, Calgary, ...  witnessed  a  violent   attack  on  an  Edmonton  LRT  train  in  December  2012.  It  led  to  the  death ...

  5. University of Lethbridge launches third annual edition of Common Book Project

    text, and book-club events will be held throughout the year. “The School of Liberal Education was ... Anishinaabe community and won an Independent Publishers Book Award in 2012. His debut novel, Legacy, followed ... current relevance. A number of courses will use the book as a required text, and book-club events will be ...

  6. February 2016

    A Campus Conversation Event J. Lapadat introduced M. Many Grey Horses who gave an overview of the truth and ... issue. There will be events taking place soon that are a small step to build upon. The U of L has ... graduate students as a part of the Meeting of the Minds event hosted by GSA. We are also working to develop ...

  7. April 2010

    8.1 2010 – 2012 Schedule of Senate and Senate Executive Meetings MOTION: Varzari/Stauffer That Senate ... approves the Senate and Senate Executive Schedule of Meetings for 2010 – 2012 as outlined in Enclosure #2 ... to replace Susan Chomistek, for a term of two years, effective July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012. Motion: ...

  8. December 2022

    and their family members attended the event; 150 staff volunteers and 60 student volunteers. We are ... employee groups has been struck and will be chaired by AVP HR. It will be the responsibility of the working ...

  9. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2015-2016 to 2017- 2018

    .................................................................................................................................................... 46 10.1 CAPITAL PRIORITIES SUMMARY ... 3.8% 21.3% 3.1% 3.1% 11.5% 4.6% 1.4% 1.8% 2.3% 4.5% 0.5% Fall 2014 Enrolment of new high school and ... Research Plan 2012-2017 — This document, which contains strategic priorities for research at the University ...

  10. Timescapes 2010 Conference ...