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  1. I-CYS Symposium- At The Intersections of Childhood 2017

    beyond for a day of discussion regarding the intersection of these three issues.   The event will consist ...

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    theatre, cinema and sporting events. Rent prices are low (rental in shared houses range from 200-300 $ per ...

  3. Practicum Overview

    (Pechu Kucha) with vulnerable populations for International Poverty Awareness Day event (fall 2014)- ...

  4. Undergraduate Courses

    Organized around major themes rather than a chronology of events, topics may include the impact of ...

  5. COVID-19 Update:

    our Residence Life team to ensure everyone is staying healthy. All in-person events have been ...

  6. Important Updates for Students and Supervisors

    Philosophy (Arts & Science and Health Sciences majors) programs In the event you are hoping to complete ...

  7. I-CYS Symposium- At The Intersections of Childhood 2017

    beyond for a day of discussion regarding the intersection of these three issues.   The event will consist ...

  8. Planning Your Journey

    or accessories you would like to wear on special events for international students, bringing it would ...

  9. Parent/Guardian

    outstanding accounts (Student Enrolment and Registrar Services,  Cash Office). In the event you are calling on ...

  10. Kansai Gaidai University

    Canadian insurance in case of events such as unexpected surgery or long hospitalization. Japanese National ...