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  1. Intimacy. Proximity. Trauma: Family Lore as Settler Colonial Fantasy

    factual either, it’s a form of intergenerational communication that imagines historical events and ...

  2. Graduate School Application Toolkit

    Clubs and memberships, community events and involvement, transportation, shopping, museums, etc.  ...

  3. Parent/Guardian

    provides the student with access to services and events, swipe access to secured areas and dedicated rooms ...

  4. Maleeka Thomas

    Society, Events and Activities Coordinator for levy group World Universities Service Canada (WUSC), ...

  5. IEW Recipe Submission

    modify this event due to fraud, virus, or other causes beyond our control. The International Centre is ...

  6. Talking About Teaching

        These in-person events are hosted by the Teaching Centre multiple times per year. Join us for ...

  7. Workshops & Guest Lectures

    Awareness Week website for more information about the events occurring this week.   ...

  8. The 2023 Oral History Summer Institute

    the Universities of Siena and Rome "La Sapienza" from 1973 to 2012. He is the founder of the ... Appalachian literature (2012), the United States Oral History Association Book of the Year Price (2005), and, ...

  9. Recovery & Healing

    are ways to take action on campus through group programming, advisories, workshops and events. Learn ... depression Appear flat or calm Headaches Each one of these reactions is normal to a traumatic event. There is ... to dealing with traumatic events, both first-hand and vicariously.     ...

  10. Your Students' Union

    a professor’s conduct. The ULSU also helps run events, helps students connect with volunteer positions and those ... Municipal government or throwing fun social events like Fresh Fest, or Last Class Bash, The Students’ Union ... own events, which the ULSU will often help them throw.   Overall, the Students’ Union is here to serve ...