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  1. Telecom and Internet Services

    in the event of an emergency, an audio file and a text message will be sent to each phone to alert ...

  2. Another Victory for Demography!

    Monday, December 3, 2012 Can Demographics Shift an Election? By MICHAEL ORESKES | THE ASSOCIATED ... PRESS Published: August 31, 2012 TAMPA, FLORIDA — One way to think about the U.S. election this year is ...

  3. George Gonzalez, BS, PhD

      I started working with the Dhillon School of Business in: 2012    My research interests are: Canadian, ...

  4. Understanding Neural and Behavioural Effects of Chemical Exposure

    Services website at www.uleth. ca/research/research_profiles. Published March 2012 | the Legend ...

  5. Understanding Neural and Behavioural Effects of Chemical Exposure

    Services website. Published March 2012 | the Legend ...

  6. Our campuses

    facilities Dr. James Foster Penny Building Downtown Lethbridge, Alberta  Gifted to the University in 2012 by ...

  7. Meio University

    located in the northern part of Okinawa Island.  As of December 2012, the city has an estimated population ...

  8. SGS Governing Principles (Approved by General Faculties Council July 1, 2023)

    appointed by the GFC. On December 10, 2012, the GFC approved a motion defining the composition of Graduate ...

  9. PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. James MacKenzie

    non-indigenous others. The global hype surrounding the 2012 Phenomenon (the so-called “end” of the Maya Calendar) ...

  10. Learning Environment Evaluation (LEE) Project

    the Teaching Centre in January 2012 to undertake this task. Representatives Current Representatives ...