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  1. Global Health Diplomacy: A Case Study of Canadian Efforts to Integrate Health in Foreign Policy

    Dr. Raphael Lencucha, McGill University 2010 2010- 2012- Co-researchers Labonte, R. (PI), ...

  2. Master of Health Services Management / Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management

    Academic Faculty School of Graduate Studies Incomplete September, 2026 ...

  3. Apply Online to Extend your Study Permit

    NOTE: On January 30, 2024, a new version of the study permit extension application form (IMM5709) ... need to know before you apply to extend your study permit from inside Canada When to Apply It is ... essential to keep the expiry date of your study permit in mind or posted in your phone or other device that ...

  4. Study Hard and Connect

    STUDY HARD AND CONNECT ULIFE HACK #6 Sitting at your desk, you get a notification from your phone ... that your friends are planning to go out tonight. ‘Shoot, that sucks,’ you had a night of studying ... here after all!  Balance time While trying to balance spending time with friends and work, studying and ...

  5. Academic Advising & Student Program Services

    Graduate Programs School of Graduate Studies Master of Arts, Master of Science (Except Management and ... Health Sciences Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Study of Addiction, Graduate Diploma in ... Programs School of Graduate Studies Location: B610 (University Hall) Phone: 403-329-2793 General Inquiries: ...

  6. Welcome to the Faculty of Education

    country. With 27 weeks of practical classroom experience, you’ll receive more than twice the amount ... our graduate studies program so unique? For over 30 years, the U of L Faculty of Education has offered ... outstanding Graduate Programs in Education and Counselling Psychology. The success of our program would not be ...

  7. Archived Budgets

    2015-2016 Budget 2014-2015 Budget 2013-2014 Budget 2012-2013 Budget 2011-2012 Budget 2010-2011 to ...

  8. University of Lethbridge celebrating medal winners from 2020 graduating class

     —  Jamie Lewis Lewis graduates with a double major in anthropology and religious studies. Her ... professionals of the 21st century.”  Read more Graduate  Academic Medals School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal ... disciplines.  Read more School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Science —  Elani Bykowski    ...

  9. Lethbridge Analysis Seminar Series

    of Lethbridge. 2017 2017 Mar 27- Xiaolong Qin, University of Electronic Science and Technology of ... China (Chengdu, China) 2016 2016 Sep 23- Alexey Popov, University of Lethbridge 2016 Sep 23- Alexey ... Popov, University of Lethbridge 2016 Oct 05- Denny Leung, National University of Singapore 2016 Oct 05- ...

  10. Annual UAPP Report

    pooled investment fund) In 2016, the Plan’s total fixed income securities gained 2.7%, 0.4% better than ... (Lost) Total Fixed Income % % % One year 2.7 2.3 0.4 Four year 3.1 3.2 (0.1) * The combined benchmark ... active membership has grown by 2.7% since the end of 2015, marking the highest annual increase in the ...