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  1. University of Lethbridge highlights for the week of March 2 to March 7

    Legg, an artist and an art and design instructor who calls Lethbridge home, will talk about various ... expressions. Contact: Jarrett Duncan, U of L Art Gallery — #TheAffordancesOfFailure ... the U of L Art Gallery’s new Artist in Social Media Residency program. Using the hashtag, DodoLab is ...

  2. Long, Tony

    Pennsylvania and raised in Missoula, Montana and area. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University ... serving four years as Dean of Arts and Science. He retired in 1998, and spent many years raising, ...

  3. Advisory- Brawn Family Foundation to make major gift in support of students and global citizenship

    citizenship WHEN: Monday, November 6, 2017 at 12 p.m. WHERE:  University Centre for the Arts Atrium The ... global citizenship WHEN: Monday, November 6, 2017 at 12 p.m. WHERE: University Centre for the Arts Atrium ...

  4. Program Check Request

    Completion:___________ Degree(s) Sought (Check only one box): ❏ B.Ed. (After Degree) ❏ B.F.A.(Art)/B.Ed ❏ B.Mus./B.Ed ... ❏ B.A./B.Ed. ❏ Post.Dip. B.F.A.(Art)/B.Ed. ❏ Post.Dip. B.Mus./B.Ed. ❏ B.Sc./B.Ed. ❏ B.F.A.(Drama)/B.Ed. ...

  5. PS II Group B Schedule

    THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Education 3601 Education 3603 Education 3601 Education 3603 Art/ D. St. Georges ... Social Context Art/ D. St. Georges Social Context Room: W857 Room: W857 CTS/L. Sproule G. Ogilvie CTS/L. ...

  6. PS II Group C Schedule

    THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Education 3601 Education 3602 Education 3601 Education 3602 Art/ D. St. Georges ... Ed. Psych. of Art/ D. St. Georges Ed. Psych. of Room: W857 Exceptional Learners Room: W857 Exceptional ...

  7. PS II Group D Schedule

    THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Education 3601 Education 3604 Education 3601 Art/ D. St. Georges Evaluation Art ...

  8. PS II Group E Schedule

    THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Education 3601 Education 3604 Education 3601 **Note Make-Up Art/ D. St. Georges ... Evaluation Art/ D. St. Georges Class Room: W857 Room: W857 CTS/L. Sproule K. Griffioen CTS/L. Sproule Room: ...

  9. Indigenous Education Requirements

    subject minors include: ▪ Art Education ▪ CTS: Business Focus or New Media Focus ▪ Drama Education ... ▪ English Language Arts Education ▪ Mathematics Education ▪ Modern Languages Education ▪ Music Education ...

  10. October Email 2019

    Faculty of Arts and Science Search Committee (A. Hakin excused himself from this due to a conflict). ... as the (1) Academic Staff Member who holds an appointment in the Faculty, to the Dean of Arts & ...