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  1. Rene Barendregt

    Rene Barendregt (BASc (BA) ’71)  René Barendregt has been a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts ...

  2. Bruce Thurston

    Chamber of Commerce, the Society of Management Accountants of Alberta and the Southern Alberta Art ...

  3. Jones, Winstan

    qualification art U. B. c. He came to Lethbridge in 1966, to begin work as librarian at the Lethbridge Junior ...

  4. Trevor Clark

    Management in International Management, he went on to complete his Master of Arts in International Conflict ...

  5. Lynn Kennedy

    Kennedy Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science History Lynn's research interests ...

  6. Igor Kovalchuk

    Kovalchuk Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Biological Sciences We are interested in ...

  7. Steve Patitsas

    Patitsas Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Physics and Astronomy My research group ...

  8. Marc Bomhof

    Bomhof Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Kinesiology and Physical Education Dr. ...

  9. Gideon Fujiwara

    Fujiwara Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science History ​Gideon's research looks ...

  10. Aaron Gruber

    Gruber Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Neuroscience ​Dr. Gruber’s laboratory ...