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  1. April 2010

    Faculty of Fine Arts, was successful once again. Bill and Elsa Cade participated in the festivities and ... Sakamoto made a generous gift to support students in the Digital Audio Arts program. The donation will be ...

  2. October 2010

    decided to showcase the Fine Arts Costume Shop. The reception will be on Wednesday, October 20 from 5:00 ... community arts facility and the U of L Music Conservatory moving across the river to downtown Lethbridge. ...

  3. February 2016

    Faculty of Fine Arts with regards to the Blackfoot language and art. We will be showcasing work by native ...

  4. Alumni Needs Assessment 2018

    FINE ARTS 9% Alumni Community Both young alumni and general alumni commented on the perception of ... Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Ottawa) ARTS AND SCIENCE 51% MANAGEMENT 27% HEALTH SCIENCES 6% EDUCATION 21% ...

  5. Summer 2019 Co-op Photo Contest

    Science, Fine Arts & Health Sciences Summer 2019 Co-op Photo Contest webversion.pdf PowerPoint ... A complete collection of the Summer 2019 Co-op Photo Contest for the Faculty of Arts & ...

  6. Thesis/Project Submission Regulations

    Philosophy in Education Master of Science Master of Arts Master of Fine Arts Master of Counselling Master of ...

  7. September 2021

    2, E, 7)] Arts & Science Stavroula Malla June 30, 2022 Fine Arts Deric Olsen June 30, 2023 Health ...

  8. June 2022

    30, 2024) • Janet Youngdahl, Fine Arts (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024) • Nehal Thakor, Graduate ... “Going All Out Society”. • Coutts Centre – UL Art Gallery invites all to attend En Plein Air, the open ...

  9. February 2024

    May 1, 2024 Faculty of Fine Arts MOTION: gfc.2024.02.02 Davis-Fisch/Marynowski That General Faculties ... MOTION: gfc.2024.02.05 Marynowski/Thomas Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science Search and Review Committee ...

  10. SGS Governing Principles 2022

    Fine Arts • One faculty member representing the School of Liberal Education • One professional ... Associate Dean (or designate) • One representative from the Faculty of Fine Arts: Associate Dean (or ... faculty members representing the Faculty of Arts and Science, including three representatives from each of ...