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Perhaps this search might help...
  1. Philip Bonnaventure

    Bonnaventure Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Geography and Environment ...

  2. Ivan Townshend

    Townshend Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Geography and Environment Urban social structure ...

  3. Wei Xu

    Xu Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Geography and Environment Spatial and temporal analysis ...

  4. Christopher Burton

    Burton Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science History Russian History of Russia and the ...

  5. Howard Cheng

    Cheng Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Computer Science Computer algebra, ...

  6. Brent Devos

    Devos Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Modern Languages and Linguistics Spanish ...

  7. Peter Dibble

    Dibble Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Chemistry and Biochemistry Organic ...

  8. Robbin Gibb

    Gibb Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Neuroscience Experiential influences on ...

  9. Paul Hazendonk

    Hazendonk Associate Professor Faculty of Arts & Science Chemistry and Biochemistry Nuclear ...

  10. Ian McAdam

    McAdam Professor Faculty of Arts & Science English Shakespeare, Early modern drama, Milton and ...